[Geoserver-devel] building problem with maven


I am trying to follow the instruction from the website of geoserver.
When trying the command mv compile I got following errors (see below).

My question is, if I am not able to download it manually, where can I
find the jar related to that version 1.5.3.

On the web pages specified below I only see version 1.4., 1.5.2 , 1.5.0
RC or 1.6 beta.

which version should I use now? Or where else can I get the right jars?

cheers and thanks

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.geoserver:wms:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver -DartifactId=wms
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:wms:jar:1.5.3

2) org.geoserver:data:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver -DartifactId=data
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:data:jar:1.5.3

3) org.geoserver:validation:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver
-DartifactId=validation \
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:validation:jar:1.5.3

4) org.geoserver:wcs:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver -DartifactId=wcs
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:wcs:jar:1.5.3

5) org.geoserver:wfs:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver -DartifactId=wfs
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:wfs:jar:1.5.3

6) org.geoserver:main:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver -DartifactId=main
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:main:jar:1.5.3

7) org.geoserver:platform:jar:1.5.3

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver
-DartifactId=platform \
          -Dversion=1.5.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.geoserver:web:jar:1.5.3
        2) org.geoserver:platform:jar:1.5.3

7 required artifacts are missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
  ibiblio (http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2),
  refractions (http://lists.refractions.net/m2/),
  espace (http://maven.espace.ird.nc),
  mortbay (http://www.mortbay.org/maven2/release),
  geotools (http://maven.geotools.fr/repository/)

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] Total time: 64 minutes 7 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 11 20:47:35 CEST 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/79M

Markus Innerebner

DIS Research Group - Faculty of Computer Science
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

Dominikanerplatz 3 - Room 213
I - 39100 Bozen
Phone: +39-0471-016223
Mobile: +39-333-9392929

gpg --fingerprint
pub 1024D/588F6308 2007-01-09
      Key fingerprint = 6948 947E CBD2 89FD E773 E863 914F EB1B 588F 6308
sub 2048g/BF4877D0 2007-01-09

Markus Innerebner ha scritto:


I am trying to follow the instruction from the website of geoserver.
When trying the command mv compile I got following errors (see below).

The error does not make much sense to me, where are you running
the mvn clean install, what are you trying to achieve, and which
instructions are you following?

In any case, you can build your own version of 1.5.3 by checking out
the tagged version at https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/tags/1.5.3/
or, if you prefer to have the latest fixes too,
https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/branches/1.5.x (soon to become

Hope this helps

Hi andrea

thanks for your quick answer

In any case, you can build your own version of 1.5.3 by checking out
the tagged version at https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/tags/1.5.3/
or, if you prefer to have the latest fixes too,
https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/branches/1.5.x (soon to become

My purpose is only to build geoserver as a project that I can use inside
eclipse for testing, debugging, etc..
I will try the new version now 1.5.x

Markus Innerebner

DIS Research Group - Faculty of Computer Science
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

Dominikanerplatz 3 - Room 213
I - 39100 Bozen
Phone: +39-0471-016223
Mobile: +39-333-9392929

gpg --fingerprint
pub 1024D/588F6308 2007-01-09
      Key fingerprint = 6948 947E CBD2 89FD E773 E863 914F EB1B 588F 6308
sub 2048g/BF4877D0 2007-01-09

Markus Innerebner ha scritto:

Hi andrea

thanks for your quick answer

In any case, you can build your own version of 1.5.3 by checking out
the tagged version at https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/tags/1.5.3/
or, if you prefer to have the latest fixes too,
https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/branches/1.5.x (soon to become

My purpose is only to build geoserver as a project that I can use inside
eclipse for testing, debugging, etc..
I will try the new version now 1.5.x

Markus, if you get stuck you can have a better interaction with us
by using the GeoServer IRC channel GeoServer, hosted by irc.freenode.net (a quick IRC client to get started could be
chatzilla, a firefox plugin, thought Pidgin/Gaim have IRC abilities
