Hi all,
Working on the configuration change over stuff i have come up with a question about how grid coverage readers are cached.
Currently, the way it works is that each CoverageStoreInfo holds onto two soft references to two coverage readers. The first one is for a coverage which is requested with no hints, and the second is for a coverage requested with hints.
My question lies in the "hint reader". It does not seem that the hints are taken into account when considering to use the cached reader. So for instance, if i call getReader(hints) once, i get a reader back, and that reader is cached. Now if i call again getReader(hints2) (but this time with a complete different set of hints) i still get the first reader that was cached.
Is it intended behaviour? It seems like it might make more sense to cache hinted readers on a hints by hints basis? But i admit i know little about the coverage side of things, so hopefully someone better versed can help.
Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project