You may have some luck with the template thing that geoserver just added; but chances are you need to program pretty hard. Jump on the goserver-devel list and get involved
If you are against a deadline there is also a commercial support page somewhere on that website.
I have a financial data in my databse and i want to display some information
in maps and graphs.
I use fusion_charts to make graphs(there are not problem).
And Geoserver and Mapbuild to map.
whats is my problem?
I want to create a popup in map that will link the charts.
how can I create a popup map?
the "community schemas" support work I am leading is designed for "business objects", not just "simple features".
In particular, we have test cases in development for complex metadata (GeoSciML Borehole), Timeseries (water quality monitoring) and "Observations and Measurements" patterns, where a generalised Observation class is specialised.
And, we can serve objects with no geometry at all.
The code base is currently only available as modules working against geotools and geoserver "trunk" builds.
Drop me a line if you wish commercial support for this, in terms of planing, hand-holding, refining or pushing the capabilities forwards onto the standard geoserver releases,
Or perhaps contact Gabriel Roldan directly (cc-ed above), who is leading the development side of this project, and is a native Spanish speaker.
otherwise stay tuned for announcements of prototpyes available for testing (and an outstanding issues list)
Rob Atkinson
Jody Garnett wrote:
You may have some luck with the template thing that geoserver just added; but chances are you need to program pretty hard. Jump on the goserver-devel list and get involved
If you are against a deadline there is also a commercial support page somewhere on that website.
I have a financial data in my databse and i want to display some information
in maps and graphs.
I use fusion_charts to make graphs(there are not problem).
And Geoserver and Mapbuild to map.
whats is my problem?
I want to create a popup in map that will link the charts.
how can I create a popup map?
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