[Geoserver-devel] CITE--10060 Connection timed out

hi all,

I was trying to run the CITE tests for WFS. There was this "10060 Connection
timed out" error that shows up always.
First I installed the neccessary software in a public machine and tested the
url <ipaddress>/geoserver/wfs/GetCapabilities on the local/non-local machine
and it returned the capabilities document. Then I opened the CITE website
http://cite.occamlab.com/tsOGC/ and created a test account. After creation
of the account I created a Test Session. In this test session I checked "Web
Feature Service" option. Then I pressed the "Configure Test Session" button.
Then in the text box for "Please enter the URL of the WFS Servers
capabilities document" I entered the URL pointing to the GetCapabitlites
document i.e, <ipaddress>/geoserver/wfs/GetCapabilities. Then I pressed the
"Add Capabilities Values".
The resultant page was "10060 Connection timed out" error page.
What could be the problem? Can anyone please help me out.

Hmmm... I just tried it out and it worked for me - cite does mess up
sometimes. You may try changing the port, I used 8080, and it worked.
And I've always had the best luck with 80. Note that they only allow 80,
443, 8080, and 8081, so if not one of those it won't work (I'm not sure of
the error, it may be the connection timed out page).


On Thu, 11 Nov 2004, Ahsan, Wadood wrote:

hi all,

I was trying to run the CITE tests for WFS. There was this "10060 Connection
timed out" error that shows up always.
First I installed the neccessary software in a public machine and tested the
url <ipaddress>/geoserver/wfs/GetCapabilities on the local/non-local machine
and it returned the capabilities document. Then I opened the CITE website
http://cite.occamlab.com/tsOGC/ and created a test account. After creation
of the account I created a Test Session. In this test session I checked "Web
Feature Service" option. Then I pressed the "Configure Test Session" button.
Then in the text box for "Please enter the URL of the WFS Servers
capabilities document" I entered the URL pointing to the GetCapabitlites
document i.e, <ipaddress>/geoserver/wfs/GetCapabilities. Then I pressed the
"Add Capabilities Values".
The resultant page was "10060 Connection timed out" error page.
What could be the problem? Can anyone please help me out.

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