[Geoserver-devel] Class loading error


Have uncovered a class loader issue.

Deploying under Tomcat 5.5 I got a "ClassDefNotFound" error with a configuration that ended up executing the code in

    public ConnectionPoolFacade(String poolKey, String driver)
            throws SQLException {

        try {
            javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource _nativePool = (javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource) (Class.forName(driver)
            // LOGGER.fine("Obtained ConnectionPoolDataSource " + _nativePool
            // + " from driver " + driver);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException(
                    "Failed to instantiate connection pool using " + driver
                            + "(" + e + ")");

But the same code in a simple JSP page worked just fine.

The same configuration, however, worked just fine in Jetty on the same machine.

So, there is some quirk or bug in the class loading that may be related to the way the datastore plugin stuff works in geoserver.

Has anyone got any insight into this beast?

I will attempt to test under Tomcat 4.1 on the same box when I get access again.

Rob Atkinson