[Geoserver-devel] Code reorganization in progress

Dear Geoserver developers:

Note that as the big code reorganization has just started, trunk will
be broken a couple of days, since I need to remotely moving files and
directories using 'svn move' with absolute urls in order to let svn keep
track of the changes. If I do now do that, and instead do the lot easier
local refactoring, svn will do an add and remove for each resource,
loosing resource history.


Hi all,

GeoServer is up and running, las modifications:

got rid of geoserver.requests and .responses packages. Utility classes
sent to geoserver.util.

geoserver.util still needs some work, by now it is where things that do
not belong to more specifick packages are holded, but I now have to run

next tasks: finish cleaning up util and start reorganizing action config
form and global.

test it if you can.


On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 13:19 +0000, Gabriel Roldán wrote:

Dear Geoserver developers:

Note that as the big code reorganization has just started, trunk will
be broken a couple of days, since I need to remotely moving files and
directories using 'svn move' with absolute urls in order to let svn keep
track of the changes. If I do now do that, and instead do the lot easier
local refactoring, svn will do an add and remove for each resource,
loosing resource history.


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