Ciao Andrea (both actually!!!),
from the information you send us I can spot two problems:
1>A tiff file by itself is not enough for working with georeferenced
data unless it is a geotiff, because you have no CRS (for which you
need a prj file) and no georeferencing (for which you need a wold
file). The point now is, what is a geotiff? Well the specification
more or less states that a geotiff is a tiff with additional tags
describing the model space (coordinate reference system) and the
relationship between the latter and the raster space (usually an
affine transformation or some ground control points for doing
warping). In your case it seemed that you did not have a real geotiff
and at the same time you were missing the prj and the world file.
Then you provided a world file but no prj file, hence to proceed we
assume wgs84 which is the most common and we print a warning message
saying, hey no PRJ provided.
2>The second error you are seeing is a known error that has been
fixed. I guess your image is not rgb or grayscale but it has a palette
(or a color map as you like) which was not well supported in geotools
2.3.0 due to interpolation issues.
I guess you are using GeoServer 1.5 beta with geotools 2.3.0. Well
good news is this, the actual versions of geotools 2.3.1-snapshot and
geoserver 1.5.0-snapshot DO support colormapped tiffs and geotiffs
with no problems.
The best thing to do are as follows:
1>provide, if you can and wish to, a sample image since I am
collecting a lot of test-cases to test the fixes we introduced. This
would of GREAT help to us.
2>build geotools 2.3.x branch and geoserver 1.5.x breanch from code
(the procedure is pretty easy and we can guide you through it). If you
are not willing to take this path, you have to be patient a couple of
weeks and wait for the next beta of geoserver 1.5 which will have a
tons of improvements.
On 1/20/07, Andrea Aime <> wrote:
Andrea Antonello ha scritto:
> Thanks Andrea,
> this is great news!
> In fact now starts to read it, but not without problem.
> The geotiff in fact has a world file. It should be a "normal" file
> (whatever that could mean).
> Jan 20, 2007 12:01:46 PM org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer renderRaster
> WARNING: The number of image bands (3) differs from the number of supplied 'SampleDimension' objects (1).
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of image bands (3) differs from the number of supplied 'SampleDimension' objects (1).
> at org.geotools.coverage.grid.Grid2DSampleDimension.create(
> at org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D.<init>(
> at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.FilteredSubsampledGridCoverage2D.<init>(
> at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.FilteredSubsampledGridCoverage2D.create(
> at org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.FilteredSubsample.doOperation(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d.GridCoverageRenderer.filteredSubsample(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d.GridCoverageRenderer.paint(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.renderRaster(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.processSymbolizers(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.process(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.processStylers(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.paint(
> at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.paint(
> The geotiff is a "Carta Tecnica Provinciale", which you should probably
> know and have dealth with.Unfortunately not. I never played with raster italian data, believe it
or not, my data experience is only with freely available USA data.
Can you provide us a sample by private mail? Also, which version of
Geotools are you using? I suggest to checkout and compile 2.3.x branch
if you haven't already done so. Raster support in 2.2.x is rather poor,
and quite a bit of improvements got in 2.3.x after the 2.3.0 release.> PS: another question: the projection is taken by default in lat/long, if I do not
> supply a .prj file with the info in it. Is that the right approach? I've
> never seen geotiffs or jpegs with the projection file.Well, since there is no way to tell whic CRS is it, it's a guess
that's as good as any other imho. Most data coming from NASA and similar
sources in in fact unprojected WGS84 data.Cheers
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Eng. Simone Giannecchini
President /CEO GeoSolutions