[Geoserver-devel] Committing to GeoServer [was] Re: JSPCompiler small issue (fwd)

Oh, I ran into this issue but forgot to update everyone as to the fix.
Sourceforge upgraded something that made it so cvs.*.sourceforge.net no
longer works. So you instead of cvs.geoserver.sourceforge.net you should
just use cvs.sourceforge.net Then everything should work fine. From sf:

( 2004-05-03 05:41:25 - Project CVS Service ) As of 2004-04-28 the CVS
services will no longer function with the hostname of
cvs.PROJECTNAME.sourceforge.net. You should change your CVS commands to
use the host cvs.sourceforge.net (the fix for this under all platforms is
to perform a checkout into a new directory using the new hostname) and
that should resolve any outstanding issues that you may have (this
includes issues relating to the SSH host key change warning, among
others). This issue came about as a result of upgrading from BIND 8 to
BIND 9 which doesn't allow for a wildcard in the middle of a hostname.

If that's not the problem let me know and I'll commit it.


On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Richard didier wrote:

Hi chris,

I'm having a problem when commit the new JSPCompiler.java :

$ CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -z3 -d:ext:dgricci@anonymised.com:/cvsroot/geoserver
commit -m "added context-type text/html to pages generated by JSPCompiler to
make running behind mod_jk/mod_jk2"
cvs commit: Examining geotools2/geotools-src/legend/target
cvs commit: in directory geotools2/geotools-src/legend/target:
cvs [commit aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first

I tried an update first, then a checkout without success for the commit ?-(
I'm sending to you the file, you might have no problem.


