[Geoserver-devel] Community modules handling

I have some consideration to make on community modules.
So far they have been contributed by people that are very
close to GeoServer development, so we did not have any
formal process for this.

I'd propose to have some more formality, just like in gt2,
that is, a module gets created if someone:
* provides a description for it
* gets a +1 from a PSC member

There is also the CLA issue, I guess as long as modules
are in community space the CLA is not really needed,
and we can ask it before the module moves into the
main developer space

What do you think?

Sounds good to me. I guess we should make a GSIP setting up the module policy?

The one thing I would like to see though is that people release their code there under a GPL compatible license. There's some in there under a weird license that shows up in our ohloh enlistment as conflicting with the GPL (apache shows up too, but if/when we upgrade to GPL3 that won't matter).


Andrea Aime wrote:

I have some consideration to make on community modules.
So far they have been contributed by people that are very
close to GeoServer development, so we did not have any
formal process for this.

I'd propose to have some more formality, just like in gt2,
that is, a module gets created if someone:
* provides a description for it
* gets a +1 from a PSC member

There is also the CLA issue, I guess as long as modules
are in community space the CLA is not really needed,
and we can ask it before the module moves into the
main developer space

What do you think?

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Chris Holmes ha scritto:

Sounds good to me. I guess we should make a GSIP setting up the module policy?

The one thing I would like to see though is that people release their code there under a GPL compatible license. There's some in there under a weird license that shows up in our ohloh enlistment as conflicting with the GPL (apache shows up too, but if/when we upgrade to GPL3 that won't matter).

Ok, I'll setup the GSIP tomorrow.

Sounds good to me... although one question. What is a CLA? :).


Andrea Aime wrote:

I have some consideration to make on community modules.
So far they have been contributed by people that are very
close to GeoServer development, so we did not have any
formal process for this.

I'd propose to have some more formality, just like in gt2,
that is, a module gets created if someone:
* provides a description for it
* gets a +1 from a PSC member

There is also the CLA issue, I guess as long as modules
are in community space the CLA is not really needed,
and we can ask it before the module moves into the
main developer space

What do you think?

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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Justin Deoliveira ha scritto:

Sounds good to me... although one question. What is a CLA? :).

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