Justin Deoliveira ha scritto:
Chris Holmes wrote:
Cool, either approach works fine for me. I see advantages both ways,
but I'm not the one who's going to be working with the code directly, so
I defer to you guys. I think I may have some questions on specifics,
but how about you go ahead and make a GSIP Justin? Can have a couple
sample classes to show it?
There is already a full blown GSIP for the work here.
There are links to code and a maven module you can build which includes
the model itself, as well as an xstream and hibernate persistence layer.
I can add a section on our integration strategy. However it would be
nice if the rest of the proposal got another review, especially from Andrea.
I'll sure do.
And I guess you're saying that this will involve a new persistence
mechanism as well? That will be the big change, no?
Depends on if we feel like breaking backwards compatability with out
current xml configuration file format. If we say ok, lets break it, then
yes I would propose to move to a new persistence mechanism (xstream).
Which is a lot simpler (like 3 lines of code to persist, 3 lines to read).
I'm for breaking compatibility and calling it GeoServer 2 if it needs
to be. The main point of changing config subsystem is to kill a system
that makes us avoid any config change. It must be easy to add and alter
the current configuration. Trying to keep backwards compatibility would
make it hard.
Oh, one thing. The natural output of XStream is a single big xml file,
not a set of files like now. When object A has a reference to object B,
xstream follows it and serializes B too, and so on. This has obvious
scalability issues (no more, no less than the current system, which
does write multiple files in a single shot, without any way to
persist a partial change).
There is a way to create multiple files in XStream, but I'm not
sure it's what we want, see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/XSTR-52
If we want GeoServer to scale config wise a lazy load/lazy save
mechanism is required, and that probably needs a database based backend
(see the Hibernate side of the proposal). But... are we going to mantain it if it's not the primary persistence mechanism?
Oh, one thing. One of the major drawbacks of the current config system
is that it reloads all datastores and all feature types each time one
does apply or load. This is quite a problem when having big amounts
of configured feture types, or slow datastores (think remote wfs).
The new config system should be careful to only reload datastores and
feature types whose configuration changed (even driven, I kind of remember the new config system is, but I'm not sure).
However to be clear the format xstream saves its output in is not really
intended to be human readable. Its basically just a dump of java objects
in xml.
There are way to alias the class names so that the xml looks better,
but yes, one should not think the files as a xml schema based information model, but just a way to dump a net of java objects into
a text file with a format that happens to be xml. Btw, XStream does support JSON persistence too in the latest releases. Maybe this could
make it even more clear that the configuration is not meant to be
subject to a schema and so on?.
I believe if the REST api is simple and general enough to use we can
just discourage people to try and fiddle with our persisted configuration files.