[Geoserver-devel] Could not update, delete features on Oracle DataStore... Have not support or wrong way?? Help me

Dear admin,

I have a problem with updating/deleting featute into Oracle 10g, It
could not be done.. ( Except shapefile data )
I read in JDBCTextFeatureWriter.java and It says that:

* An abstract class that uses sql statements to insert, update and delete
* features from the database. Useful when the resultset got from the database
* is not updatable, for example.
* @task TODO: Use prepared statements for inserts. Jody says that oracle
* at least will perform faster, and I imagine postgis will
* too. This will require a bit of rearchitecture, since the
* statement should just be made once, right now even if there
* were many features coming in they would all have to make
* a new prepared statement - should be able to do it before
* and then just fill it up for each feature. And for oracle
* Jody has some convenience methods in his SDO stuff that
* works with prepared statements and STRUCTS directly.
* See http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-219 (close when done).
* @author Andrea Aime
* @version $Id$
I dont' know Geotools had supported to Update and Delete Transaction
Because I had tested Insert Transaction and result is success.
I'm worries about that... Please tell me any way to update, delete features?
( Environment: Window 2000 Tomcat 5.0, Geoserver 1.2.3, Java
j2sdk1.4.2_05, Oracle 10g )
Thanks in Advance

Are you doing this in geoserver? What are the errors you are getting? It
should be possible, can you give a stack trace?

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, TrungLC wrote:

Dear admin,

I have a problem with updating/deleting featute into Oracle 10g, It
could not be done.. ( Except shapefile data )
I read in JDBCTextFeatureWriter.java and It says that:

* An abstract class that uses sql statements to insert, update and delete
* features from the database. Useful when the resultset got from the database
* is not updatable, for example.
* @task TODO: Use prepared statements for inserts. Jody says that oracle
* at least will perform faster, and I imagine postgis will
* too. This will require a bit of rearchitecture, since the
* statement should just be made once, right now even if there
* were many features coming in they would all have to make
* a new prepared statement - should be able to do it before
* and then just fill it up for each feature. And for oracle
* Jody has some convenience methods in his SDO stuff that
* works with prepared statements and STRUCTS directly.
* See http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-219 (close when done).
* @author Andrea Aime
* @version $Id$
I dont' know Geotools had supported to Update and Delete Transaction
Because I had tested Insert Transaction and result is success.
I'm worries about that... Please tell me any way to update, delete features?
( Environment: Window 2000 Tomcat 5.0, Geoserver 1.2.3, Java
j2sdk1.4.2_05, Oracle 10g )
Thanks in Advance

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