[Geoserver-devel] data from where?

Going through the data directory quickly, any one quickly know where got the following:


  • arc_sample
  • img_sample
  • mosaic_sample
  • sfdem_sfdem


  • nyc (giant polygon, poi, poly landmark, tiger roads)
  • sf (archsites,bugsites,restricted,roads,streams)
  • shapefiles(states)
  • taz_shapes( cities, roads, state boundaries, water bodies)


  • Bug report here: GEOS-5466

  • Was able to sort out CITE data (under the OGC “software notice”): GEOS-5465

  • I went looking and found a wiki page in GeoTools on spearfish but it did not provide details (even in the zip data download)

Jody Garnett