Hey, just a question.
What would be the impact to geoserver if a datastore does not respect the convention of providing feature ids as .
I’m betting the only compromised feature for geoserver would be the WFS GetFeature request with featureId= parameter?
Also, am I right this is one of those kind of mandatory conventions, like the one for datastore factories to support a “namespace” parameter, but that are not set in stone anywhere?
The feature id issue bothers me since a while now and would like to gather opinions on whether it shouldn’t be mandatory for geotools datastores to prefix the feature ids that way. It looks to me like a WFS think leaking down to the data access layer, in order for GeoServer to be able of supplying unique ids at the service instance level, which in an ideal world should be GeoServer’s responsibility (like in GeoServer being in charge of prefixing the workspace + type name to the geotools provided feature id).
Gabriel Roldan
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