I´m new to GeoServer development and want to say hello to all of you. I am actually trying to get the DDS Plugin working with the ImageMosaic data source. I use WorldWind to request the outcoming data as elevation data. This works good for single dt0-files and limited for more than one dt0-file in an ImageMosaic. When I drop a single GetMap-Request with my browser I receive a working image or bil-file of the dted-data in my data source.
Using WorldWind, which drops a large amount of requests asynchronously, I quickly run into a glibc-error, which causes the GeoServer-instance to stop. Here is a short extract of the error message:
*** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_30/bin/java: corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007ff3e0488a10 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
This error only appears in association with the dds-plugin and ImageMosaic. Every other output-format works well for me.
I believe this error is caused by multithreading issues and / or not released resource, but I cannot locate a fix in the code since a couple of days. I have tested the code with JAI enabled and disabled, and Multithreading enabled and disabled. My tiles are located in the north-east quadrant.
I would be very happy if someone could point me into the right direction.
Thank you,