[Geoserver-devel] Deegree & Geoserver


I'd like to know what are the big differences between
deegree and Geoserver technologies. I know that both
offers WMS and WFS services and are in Java, but I'd
like to know them better.


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I should really write a FAQ question for this, but don't have time at
the moment.

I see the differences being that GeoServer is more focused on the end
user, making it as easy as possible to set up a WFS. Deegree is
focused on getting the full OGC suite of services, and their
configuration is more of a bitch.

We're hoping to work together more, at least at the interface level, so
that our stuff might work together more. But each project has a
different philosophy behind the architecture and coding. GeoServer is
intimately tied with GeoTools, and tends to move a bit slower than
Deegree since major architecture decisions are discussed and refactored
a lot, as part of a community process in GeoTools. Deegree can move
faster, as their developers are mostly all in one place, working for
one end, but they miss out on some of the wider benefits of open source
because they do things their way. They're better at WMS and GeoServer
is better at WFS, as that's what each started with and then moved to
fill the other. At this point both will do a pretty decent job at what
the other is good at. But deegree is going to get WCS and Catalog
first, I'm not sure if geoserver will implement those, perhaps in 2.0,
and hopefully we can make use of their code, collaborating instead of
replicating work.


Quoting Ednardo Ferreira <ednardof@anonymised.com>:


I'd like to know what are the big differences between
deegree and Geoserver technologies. I know that both
offers WMS and WFS services and are in Java, but I'd
like to know them better.


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