why you chosen the open layer demo in the last version the 1.5?
why not mapbuilder?
is it because open layer is faster?
or because open layer is easy in developement?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/demo-in-geoseerver-tf4486394.html#a12793730
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
dalloul ha scritto:
why you chosen the open layer demo in the last version the 1.5?
why not mapbuilder?
is it because open layer is faster?
or because open layer is easy in developement?
Hum, various little thing actually. Provides tiled rendering, which
is getting popular and has its own peculiar issues related to labelling
(so being able to preview tiled rendering while playing with styling
is important), it's really easy to setup (single html file and you're done), provide a wide variety of sources (GML, GeoRss, KML) and integrates with commercial background maps like google maps.
Besides, OpenPlans recently hired Tim Schaub, one of the OpenLayer
developers, so the relationship between the two projects is getting
Anyways, besides the human relations and the ease of setup,
once MapBuilder is done integrating OpenLayers as the rendering
engine, the differences between them will become really small.