[Geoserver-devel] docs.geoserver.org transition ready to be worked on

Some good news:

  1. https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2416 transfer of domains

Planet has transferred the geoserver.org domain to osgeo.

  1. osgeo sys admins have made a new dns record for geoserver.org and friends:


build.geoserver.org (

docs.geoserver.org (

Regina Obe and Alessandro and myself sorted this out yesterday.

  1. Regina also set-up some time ago a web server for docs.geoserver.org content.

Volunteer needed to do the next step:

  1. Copy the geotools-main-docs job in jenkins to geoserver-main-docs
  2. Publish to “docs-geoserver.osgeo.org” as a trial
  3. When happy change docs.geoserver.org over to new location, and update build job

Jody Garnett