On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Mark Leslie <mark.leslie@anonymised.com>wrote:
Here is a Draft GSIP for review. We are proposing to add two optional
parameters to the GetLegendGraphics handler to allow the specification of a
bounding box and associated srs. These would then be used to determine
what symbology will actually be used when rendering a those bounds and
produce a legend graphic only with what will be displayed on the map.
We are hoping to validate our approach before we quote our customer to
make sure we're going down the right path, so any feedback would be greatly
The proposal sounds reasonable.
Excluding rasters completely seems imho a bit too much, a simple
implementation that checks the BBOX against the
raster original envelope is just a bit more than a one liner and gets you
90% of the functionality (a full fledged implementation
would have to read a scaled down version in that area and see if the
returned coverage is empty, but it would also fall
prey of different behaviors in the readers, some might return a null value,
others might return a value filled with nodata).
Anyways, your choice, not a blocker, just wanted to point out it might not
be hard at all.
The case of excluding attribute generated by attribute reference is
probably not worth mentioning: the getLegendGraphics
code is not able to generate a legend in that case, at least if the case is
having the attribute in the external graphics url.
If instead we are talking about attribute based filters, I guess combining
them with the bbox will do the trick, no?
As for categorize/interpolate/recode, the current code is not able to
generate a legend anyways.
About the two stage alternative approach that would depend on GSIP 81:
Carlo (cc'ed) abandoned the GSIP
at the community level because of lack of feedback, but he actually
implemented it in a fork of GeoServer
that he's maintaining for a customer and it's in use, don't know if it can
be revived or not.
Ah, one thing performance wise: styles with multiple FeatureTypeStyle tend
to contains the same rule
filters in the different FTS (think of a road style that needs to depict a
highway with cased lines), there
is potential for optimization if the results are somehow cached during the
A DuplicatingStyleVisitor subclass should do the trick, and it could
contain, now or in the future, the filter
evaluation caching logic. Just thinking out loud, by no means a requirement.
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Ing. Andrea Aime
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