Because I have an unusual error trying to get geoserver running from source build on this particular machine, I was wondering if there was a way I could enable the RestConfig,rest plugin with the jetty server nightly build you guys post. Hopefully I’m not asking a dumb question here.
Christopher Thatcher
Ah so all I had to do was stop jetty, copy the rest and RESTConfig snapshot jars I build into WEB-INF/lib and restart jetty. Thanks for architecting intuitively!
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:50 AM, chris thatcher <> wrote:
Because I have an unusual error trying to get geoserver running from source build on this particular machine, I was wondering if there was a way I could enable the RestConfig,rest plugin with the jetty server nightly build you guys post. Hopefully I’m not asking a dumb question here.
Christopher Thatcher
Christopher Thatcher