[Geoserver-devel] EPSG limitation

Is it possible to limit the available SRS returned from GeoServer WMS?
GetCapabilities returns an enormeous list (3900+)… :frowning:

I need help…


Francesco @ MacOSX “TiGeR 10.4.9”

Hi Fransesco,

(this is probably a more suitable question for the users list).

The answer is no. I know its a pain to process the capabilities document, but there is no good way to limit it at this time. It is something we will be taking into account while redoing the core configuration work.


Francesco Izzi wrote:

Is it possible to limit the available SRS returned from *GeoServer* WMS?
GetCapabilities returns an enormeous list (3900+).... :frowning:

I need help...


Francesco @ MacOSX "TiGeR 10.4.9" !DSPAM:4007,47ea393f73492090977483!


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Geoserver-devel mailing list


Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

(please keep questions on the public list).

As a workaround, one thing you can do is:

1. Download the wms capabilities document
2. Manually remove all the SRS's you do not want
3. Publish the the capabilities document (via web server) on the same server as geoserver

The problem with this is of course the capabilities document will not reflect any changes you make to layers in GeoServer.


Francesco Izzi wrote:

ArchGis is very very slow to retrive responce from geoserver ....
uDig is faster...

2008/3/26, Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com <mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com>>:

    Hi Fransesco,

    (this is probably a more suitable question for the users list).

    The answer is no. I know its a pain to process the capabilities
    document, but there is no good way to limit it at this time. It is
    something we will be taking into account while redoing the core
    configuration work.


    Francesco Izzi wrote:
     > Hi,
     > Is it possible to limit the available SRS returned from
    *GeoServer* WMS?
     > GetCapabilities returns an enormeous list (3900+).... :frowning:
     > I need help...
     > Thanks
     > --

     > Francesco @ MacOSX "TiGeR 10.4.9"
     > Check out the new SourceForge.net Marketplace.
     > It's the best place to buy or sell services for
     > just about anything Open Source.
     > !DSPAM:4007,47ea393f73492090977483!
     > _______________________________________________
     > Geoserver-devel mailing list
     > Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
     > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geoserver-devel
     > !DSPAM:4007,47ea393f73492090977483!

    Justin Deoliveira
    The Open Planning Project
    jdeolive@anonymised.com <mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com>

Francesco @ MacOSX "TiGeR 10.4.9" !DSPAM:4007,47ea680f144671637810514!

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Francesco, all

we decided to take action on this one for good.
Add yourself as a watcher of <http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-1830&gt; to be
notified when its done.


On Wednesday 26 March 2008 04:21:43 pm Justin Deoliveira wrote:

(please keep questions on the public list).

As a workaround, one thing you can do is:

1. Download the wms capabilities document
2. Manually remove all the SRS's you do not want
3. Publish the the capabilities document (via web server) on the same
server as geoserver

The problem with this is of course the capabilities document will not
reflect any changes you make to layers in GeoServer.


Francesco Izzi wrote:
> ArchGis is very very slow to retrive responce from geoserver ....
> Why?
> uDig is faster...
> 2008/3/26, Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com
> <mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com>>:
> Hi Fransesco,
> (this is probably a more suitable question for the users list).
> The answer is no. I know its a pain to process the capabilities
> document, but there is no good way to limit it at this time. It is
> something we will be taking into account while redoing the core
> configuration work.
> -Justin
> Francesco Izzi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is it possible to limit the available SRS returned from
> *GeoServer* WMS?
> > GetCapabilities returns an enormeous list (3900+).... :frowning:
> >
> > I need help...
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --
> >
> > Francesco @ MacOSX "TiGeR 10.4.9"
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> > _______________________________________________
> > Geoserver-devel mailing list
> > Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> <mailto:Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geoserver-devel
> >
> >
> > !DSPAM:4007,47ea393f73492090977483!
> --
> Justin Deoliveira
> The Open Planning Project
> jdeolive@anonymised.com <mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com>
> --
> Francesco @ MacOSX "TiGeR 10.4.9" !DSPAM:4007,47ea680f144671637810514!