[Geoserver-devel] featuring gis.stackexchange.com on the geoserver site more?

Thinking about the website got me wondering about if people might be in to featuring http://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/geoserver more prominently?

We already get 10 - 20 geoserver related questions there a week, so there’s already an active community answering stuff. I know Andrea and Ian are on it. But if you go to http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Mailing+Lists or anywhere else on the website you wouldn’t find out about it as a resource.

In the last couple months I helped move CartoDB community support over there from a google group, and it’s gone really well. The advantages I see:

  • Auto completion of common questions - as you start to type in a question it will automatically suggest existing questions that may have already answered it. So can reduce people asking the same questions.

  • Gamification elements of giving people awards keep question answers more involved, while answering questions on the mailing list is a much more thankless task that has fallen much more on core developers.

  • Overlaps with other gis software. We often get questions that aren’t really pure geoserver questions, and people have to email multiple lists to get their answer. With stack exchange they can just tag ‘geoserver’ ‘openlayers’ and ‘postgis’ and people can help out from each community.

Disadvantages may include that it’s running on proprietary software, building our knowledge base on a third party. And that it could potentially split our community and have even less answers on the mailing list.

Right now I’m just suggesting we add some links to the website so more people know about it as a resource. We could make it a stronger recommendation (the first place to go).

Stack exchange makes the support page for geotools: http://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/communication.html

I don’t mind linking to stack exchange, but I would really like to figure out and angle for less devel team effort.


Jody Garnett

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Chris Holmes <chomie@anonymised.com> wrote:

Thinking about the website got me wondering about if people might be in to featuring http://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/geoserver more prominently?

We already get 10 - 20 geoserver related questions there a week, so there’s already an active community answering stuff. I know Andrea and Ian are on it. But if you go to http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Mailing+Lists or anywhere else on the website you wouldn’t find out about it as a resource.

In the last couple months I helped move CartoDB community support over there from a google group, and it’s gone really well. The advantages I see:

  • Auto completion of common questions - as you start to type in a question it will automatically suggest existing questions that may have already answered it. So can reduce people asking the same questions.

  • Gamification elements of giving people awards keep question answers more involved, while answering questions on the mailing list is a much more thankless task that has fallen much more on core developers.

  • Overlaps with other gis software. We often get questions that aren’t really pure geoserver questions, and people have to email multiple lists to get their answer. With stack exchange they can just tag ‘geoserver’ ‘openlayers’ and ‘postgis’ and people can help out from each community.

Disadvantages may include that it’s running on proprietary software, building our knowledge base on a third party. And that it could potentially split our community and have even less answers on the mailing list.

Right now I’m just suggesting we add some links to the website so more people know about it as a resource. We could make it a stronger recommendation (the first place to go).

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Yeah, my theory is that using stack exchange would actually end up as less effort, as others would contribute much more. But it might be more work during a transition page if we try to provide both as a resource. Though I have seen people on the mailing list cross reference posts, so maybe it’d just be encouraging that kind of thing?


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:

Stack exchange makes the support page for geotools: http://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/communication.html

I don’t mind linking to stack exchange, but I would really like to figure out and angle for less devel team effort.

Jody Garnett

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Chris Holmes <chomie@anonymised.com> wrote:

Thinking about the website got me wondering about if people might be in to featuring http://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/geoserver more prominently?

We already get 10 - 20 geoserver related questions there a week, so there’s already an active community answering stuff. I know Andrea and Ian are on it. But if you go to http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Mailing+Lists or anywhere else on the website you wouldn’t find out about it as a resource.

In the last couple months I helped move CartoDB community support over there from a google group, and it’s gone really well. The advantages I see:

  • Auto completion of common questions - as you start to type in a question it will automatically suggest existing questions that may have already answered it. So can reduce people asking the same questions.

  • Gamification elements of giving people awards keep question answers more involved, while answering questions on the mailing list is a much more thankless task that has fallen much more on core developers.

  • Overlaps with other gis software. We often get questions that aren’t really pure geoserver questions, and people have to email multiple lists to get their answer. With stack exchange they can just tag ‘geoserver’ ‘openlayers’ and ‘postgis’ and people can help out from each community.

Disadvantages may include that it’s running on proprietary software, building our knowledge base on a third party. And that it could potentially split our community and have even less answers on the mailing list.

Right now I’m just suggesting we add some links to the website so more people know about it as a resource. We could make it a stronger recommendation (the first place to go).

Is your legacy SCM system holding you back? Join Perforce May 7 to find out:
� 3 signs your SCM is hindering your productivity
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� Expert tips and advice for migrating your SCM now

Geoserver-devel mailing list

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Chris Holmes <chomie@anonymised.com> wrote:

Thinking about the website got me wondering about if people might be in to
featuring http://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/geoserver more prominently?

We already get 10 - 20 geoserver related questions there a week, so
there's already an active community answering stuff. I know Andrea and Ian
are on it. But if you go to
http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Mailing+Lists or anywhere else on the
website you wouldn't find out about it as a resource.

I haven't been on stackexchange for a long while now, just too hard to
field two platform and I was dissatisfied with stackexchange anyways.

While I like the platform and it shows up a lot in google searches, it's
not good for anything that requires a public discussion, threading
is limited to two levels... it's just very good for a straight question and
(one) answer setup, but basically useless for bug reports
and discussions that might lead to one.

I also don't like much that the time the answers were given to, while
available, is not emphasized enough, so the careless
reader might stumble into a wrong/outdated answer and just assume it's
still valid. We'd need someone to do some gardening
and comment on these answers to mark them as outdated (and hope the comment
is visible enough for people to notice).

That said, people are going to use stack-exchange no matter what, so don't
see much harm in advertising it on
our mailing list pages.
I'm just not sure how to word it though, afaik there is no active core
developer answering questions there, so it's
not the place to go if answering the question involves some knowledge of
how things work inside the box,
in other terms, as things stand now it seems to be more of a good user to
user support place.



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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

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