Hi Justin,
I seemed to have not explained myself correctly... OK I tried 1.1 no
luck, got error parsing exception, I then downgraded to 1.02 and
poof.. it worked (magic).
Not exactly like we hope, I had the following issues..
Ran successfull got the "Build Successfull" Message but no test or
compile happened?
(see dos echo below)
C:\projects\trunk\geoserver\1.4.x>maven build
__ __
| \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
|_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.0.2
plugin maven-scm-plugin-1.5 is cached (dynatag dep) but no longer present
Cache invalidated due to out of date plugins
[echo] Gathering project list
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
[echo] C:\projects\trunk\geoserver\1.4.x/target
Total time: 11 seconds
Finished at: Tue Feb 14 10:02:12 CAT 2006
Kind Regards,
Clint Lewis
On 2/14/06, Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Clint,
Clint Lewis wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> I ran the target build "maven build" from the cmd line.
> Here is what happened with Geoserver Build this morning.
> 01: I was running Maven 1.1 Beta 2 so the parsing of the XML failed, I
> was not aware that I have to run with Maven v. 1.0.2
I have never tried with the newest 1.1, but I thought it was fully
backwards compatable. Perhaps not. Did you try downgrading to 1.0.2?
> 02: The message says BUILD SUCCESSFUL, but it is not, no test where
> run, there is no target directory in my project folder, so I think
> that the build did not complete.
> 03: There was no compiling of any classes that took place.
Hmm, definitley something amiss. Can you try with the older version of
maven? Thanks.
> Hmm, is there some configuration issues with Maven or properties..
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Clint Lewis
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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project