[Geoserver-devel] files supported by WCS

Hi alles,

It seems that the WCS of Geoserver does not support the satellite photos in the .tif format with .aux and .rrd files. It does support world files. How can we convert tif files with .aux and .rrd to tif files with a world file? Anyone can help? Thanks.


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Hi list,
as far as i know .rrd and .aux are are file that are created by
ArcView (or arc map or arcgis they change name every once in a while)
and it should not be a standard format like world file. I am seeing
how we can aonvet from them to world file + maybe prj file. Tomorrow I
hope I will be able to provide more detail.


On 7/14/05, Ben Smith <bensmith03@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi alles,
It seems that the WCS of Geoserver does not support the satellite photos in
the .tif format with .aux and .rrd files. It does support world files. How
can we convert tif files with .aux and .rrd to tif files with a world file?
Anyone can help? Thanks.

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A couple of quick links


On 7/14/05, simone giannecchini <simboss1@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi list,
as far as i know .rrd and .aux are are file that are created by
ArcView (or arc map or arcgis they change name every once in a while)
and it should not be a standard format like world file. I am seeing
how we can aonvet from them to world file + maybe prj file. Tomorrow I
hope I will be able to provide more detail.


On 7/14/05, Ben Smith <bensmith03@anonymised.com> wrote:
> Hi alles,
> It seems that the WCS of Geoserver does not support the satellite photos in
> the .tif format with .aux and .rrd files. It does support world files. How
> can we convert tif files with .aux and .rrd to tif files with a world file?
> Anyone can help? Thanks.
> Ben
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