Hi Adit,
On geoserver 1.5.x we have come up with a dispatch system that works
directly with POJO's. Here are some docs that describe it in more detail.
It is mainly focused on the idea of a "web" dispatcher. Which handles
requests in standard get and post format and dispatches them to a
particular service ( POJO ). I don't know much about ActiveMQ, but I
would envision a new type of dispatcher which manages the message queue,
and dispatches to POJO services the same way the web dispatcher. But
this is just an idea :). It appears that spring has support for ActiveMQ
so it might not be all that much work.
Please feel free to ask any more questions.
Adit Santokhee wrote:
Hi Justin,
Any comments please.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jody Garnett [mailto:jgarnett@anonymised.com]
Sent: 07 November 2006 17:26
To: Adit Santokhee
Cc: 'Geoserver-devel'
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] asynchronous WCS
That is very cool,
Similar work has been carried out by ESA in the past (when requesting
large bandwidth requests you have to schedule the handling of your
requests for an off peak time, they donated some time to African
projects). You may consider using 1.5.x as the base as it is
constructed around pojo services ... talk to Justin.
Hi all,
I am trying to implement an asynchronous data extraction mechanism
using Geoserver 1.4.0-M2-WCS for the getCoverage operation. I would be
interested to know if there is similar work being carried out. I am
planning to use message driven POJOs and ActiveMQ as the message
broker. Your feedback will be very useful.
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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project
Please review the WFS/WCS co-configuration concept:
an asynchronous WCS that returns metadata for a delayed response would appear to be a WFS that returns the Feature representation of a Coverage.
(Coverage isA Feature according to ISO)
One argument for the generalised approach is that we can support any operation aysnchronously this way, not just getCoverage
Rob A
Justin Deoliveira wrote:
Hi Adit,
On geoserver 1.5.x we have come up with a dispatch system that works
directly with POJO's. Here are some docs that describe it in more detail.
It is mainly focused on the idea of a "web" dispatcher. Which handles
requests in standard get and post format and dispatches them to a
particular service ( POJO ). I don't know much about ActiveMQ, but I
would envision a new type of dispatcher which manages the message queue,
and dispatches to POJO services the same way the web dispatcher. But
this is just an idea :). It appears that spring has support for ActiveMQ
so it might not be all that much work.
Please feel free to ask any more questions.
Adit Santokhee wrote:
Hi Justin,
Any comments please.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jody Garnett [mailto:jgarnett@anonymised.com] Sent: 07 November 2006 17:26
To: Adit Santokhee
Cc: 'Geoserver-devel'
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] asynchronous WCS
That is very cool,
Similar work has been carried out by ESA in the past (when requesting large bandwidth requests you have to schedule the handling of your requests for an off peak time, they donated some time to African projects). You may consider using 1.5.x as the base as it is constructed around pojo services ... talk to Justin.
Hi all,
I am trying to implement an asynchronous data extraction mechanism using Geoserver 1.4.0-M2-WCS for the getCoverage operation. I would be interested to know if there is similar work being carried out. I am planning to use message driven POJOs and ActiveMQ as the message broker. Your feedback will be very useful.
Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Geoserver-devel mailing list