Looks like I am getting my final questions answered, I will need help deploying the 2.1-M0 jar when somebody who understands maven repositories has a chance. I will wait for geotools & geoserver to report back before uploading this milestone release to source forge and so on.
I need to stress that this is a milestone release only, and will be limited to changes from "pending" that are ready to be written up for OGC approval in a working group meeting. When that working group meetings comes around we will make a geoapi 2.1.-RC1 which if approved will become geoapi 2.1.
If you are looking for your code please consult this page (last mentioned in April):
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEO/Repository+Organization
You will find a series of branches focused on different topics, when these are ready for a milestone release they can be merged onto trunk.