[Geoserver-devel] Geoar 0.1.0

Hello! Geoar 0.1.0 is now available for use of GIS community.
Geoar is a WFS/WMS open source client developed in OpenLaszlo.

Visit at: http://geoar.sourceforge.net
demo : http://www.tsavo.com.ar/geoar/index_archivos/Page392.htm

That's all folks... ;-).

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José Macchi wrote:

Hello! Geoar 0.1.0 is now available for use of GIS community.
Geoar is a WFS/WMS open source client developed in OpenLaszlo.

Visit at: http://geoar.sourceforge.net
demo : http://www.tsavo.com.ar/geoar/index_archivos/Page392.htm

That's all folks... ;-).

Why not add yourself to the geoserver wiki? They maintain a list of clients, and it is a wiki :slight_smile:
Congrats on your project.