[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 1.3 Release - official announcement

The GeoServer Project is pleased to announce the stable release of
version 1.3. This release brings a number of improvements to make
GeoServer the easiest way to get a powerful open source standards-based
web mapping solution up and running quickly. GeoServer has
traditionally focused on WFS, which allows access to the raw vector
data, serving as the WFS reference implementation. 1.3 brings fully
compliant WMS and SLD, which handle the rendering and styling of maps,
available as JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG and KML. Official OGC certifications
are in the works for both WMS and WFS, as all compliance tests have
been passed.

Continuing the focus on ease of use, GeoServer now includes an
integrated MapBuilder (http://mapbuilder.sourceforge.net) AJAX-based
client to instantly preview any GeoServer layer. Configuration is
still a cinch with a web based interface, and all layers are 'standard
by default', no need to modify each layer just to have data served
correctly. Sharing GeoServer configurations has been made easier with
configurable data directories. The documentation has also been greatly
improved, transitioning to a wiki-based solution, available at

Several new data formats are also reaching maturity, adding DB2,
Cascading WFS, MySQL, VPF and MapInfo to the already established
PostGIS, Oracle, ArcSDE and Shapefile. The WFS will also now produce
Shapefiles directly, instead of only GML. Internationalization has
been greatly improved, including a new Japanese translation of the web
admin tool.

For more information about GeoServer please see:
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/What+is+Geoserver The release
can be downloaded at: XXX The GeoServer Project is completely open
source, in license and development process, built by an open community
of contributors. Please see:
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Contributors for a list of
everyone that makes GeoServer possible. If you are interested in
helping out, even with just suggestions on how to make it better, don't
hesitate to show up on our lists at:
http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=25086 All fixed issues for 1.3
can be found at:

You can download GeoServer here:

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!
Ron Appleman
Dave Blasby
Justin Deoliveira
Richard Didier
Alessio Fabiani
Saul Farber
Jody Garnett
Sean Geoghegan
Randy George
Simone Giannecchini
Chris Holmes
Artie Konin
James MacGill
Brent Owens
Gabriel Roldan
Efren Serra
Magne Skjeret
Akira Sugawara

The GeoServer Community