[Geoserver-devel] Geoserver 2.0 (web app framework)

I haven't put a lot of thought into the new 2.0 "Geo Application
Framework" so I don't really know where - exactly - its going. But, I
though I'd throw a few ideas out so people can put their 2 cents in

There's been a bit of trend to not put components in Geotools, which I
hope is turning around. At least everyone is talking about re-merging.

Catalog is something that really needs to be stuck back in geotools as
almost everyone doing non-trivial projects needs one. Paolo already
mentioned some ideas on this, and I know that Jody, Chris and I have
also mentioned it.

In generic terms, I think the new architecture will look something like
this (Jody and Chris have already talked about this):

1. The "Core GeoServer" will be quite small, and basically serve as the
container for other services and handle such tasks like:
       * taking requests and routing them to the correct plugin service
       * manage the Dataset catalog
       * manage configuration (often being passed off to the service
       * Anything else we think is a "common good" that will
         make building and managing services easier

2. WFS/WMS/WCS will be example services that people could either
download-and-plugin or would come as separate downloads.
   Each of the plugins would be responsible for handling the actual
requests, and any service-specific configuration. The plugins would
use the framework core to help implement the actual services. They
would also be responsible for all their configuration (including the
web-app to actually do the config).

This differs from the "GeoCollaborator" system which isn't really
supposed to be smart and build new services up from scratch - its
supposed to enhance existing services. Geoserver 2.0 is supposed to
make it a easier to develop and deploy new services.

I'm not sure exactly what this will look at - this is something we
really need to spend time and hammer out. There's lots of pros-and-cons
of putting different services (or service-helpers) in the core or
making the sub-components completely responsible for them. And example
would be security and user authentication; where (exactly) should it be
managed - there's lots of different places to put it.

(Feel free to reply with better suggestions and comments)

Personally, I think this is a pretty ambitious task thats going to take
quite a bit of time to actually pull-off. This is especially so if we
try to actually implement these things inside geotools instead of
having complete control inside geoserver. The unfortunate situation is
that, certainly from a web-configuration perspective, geoserver maybe
at variable stages of "unuseable" during the lengthy transition.

(As an aside, I believe jody and his team spent a lot of time on just
the STRUTs web app for config - see jody's message on this.)

I think you can see that the two biggest things to change will be (1)
the catalog stuff and (2) the config stuff.

I keep repeating myself, but for people doing things like the ingestion
engine need to just be warned that things will be changing in the
future so make sure that you make the program easy-to-change. I don't
think there's going to be any radical changes (we're still going to
have datastores and feature-type, etc...), but how its organized and
the actual content could change significantly. I expect you folks to
be involved in all these decisions so its not something thats going to
sneak up on you.


There's been a bunch of good suggestions floating around from everyone
in this conversation.

I did like paolo's idea of using Features to represent configuration
information (like the catalog and security) so you can leverage
existing geotools infrastructure like datastore (persistence) and
filter (searching).

Alessio, also, had a bunch of good idea in his email messages.


In a more practical manner, I don't really know what the timeframe that
these major changes will take place. I think it will really depend on
what you folks want to do.

I'm a bit risk-adverse on the issue since I want to ensure that
Geoserver is always getting better - easier to configure and more
stable. This might require a 1.3 branch and a radically different 2.0
branch, which can be a maintenance problem.

I talked to jody about moving some of the Udig work out of udig and into
geotools, and I'm not sure what his plan is for it. I dont think it was
something planned over the short time; and I've heard estimates from 2
weeks to 1 year.


This mail sent through IMP: https://webmail.limegroup.com/

Including a lot of your email dave because it is subject matter for the OpenSDI mailing list.

I haven't put a lot of thought into the new 2.0 "Geo Application
Framework" so I don't really know where - exactly - its going. But, I
though I'd throw a few ideas out so people can put their 2 cents in

There's been a bit of trend to not put components in Geotools, which I
hope is turning around. At least everyone is talking about re-merging.

Catalog is something that really needs to be stuck back in geotools as
almost everyone doing non-trivial projects needs one. Paolo already
mentioned some ideas on this, and I know that Jody, Chris and I have
also mentioned it.

First of all a word of encouragement:
- Setting up a Framework is important - it is the one thing uDig development has taught us :slight_smile: A good framework makes all the difference.
- You are not as far away from 2.0 as you think, GeoServer is already broken into chunks. The WFS and WMS talk to an interface called Data. They don't have to see the same Data implementation. BTW Data == Catalog == Configuration of data connections.
- Catalog (or Data) implementations: GeoServer GlobalData, Geotools Repository, uDig ICatalog - these are all the same class/idea.

Basically GeoServer is already organized in the right manner, what is lacking is a consistent framework to drop the components into.
And provide persistence, configuration, web ui for configuration, channeling of requests (regardless of XML/KVP) etc...

If I was doing this I would:
- scrounge up the framework chunks (based on some research, such as occurs of the OpenSDI list)
- implement the easiest service possible; Feature Portrayal Service because it does not have any data
- release for public abuse of the framework components
- port the uDig Catalog (and merge with GeoServer Data)
- port the GeoServer WFS
- release for public abuse (and assistence in passing Cite tests)
- port the GeoServer WMS, WCS and so on
- release for public abuse as a beta

Note this allows the framework to have a logical progression of capabilities for the request/response subsystem.
- GET (w/ KVP) and Image (non XML) response for FPS
- POST (w/ XML request) and XML Response first (for WFS)
- SOAP / WSDL later (for service chaining)

Note I would expect the system to be *easy*. Drop a module in, with required request response schemas. And a discoverable class for prossing of the same.
Indeed you can probably handle the KVP get requests just using reflection as long as the parameters are sufficiently well known.
public Image WMS.getMap( Envelope bbox, List<Layer> layers, int width, int height ) for example

In generic terms, I think the new architecture will look something like
this (Jody and Chris have already talked about this):

1. The "Core GeoServer" will be quite small, and basically serve as the
container for other services and handle such tasks like:
      * taking requests and routing them to the correct plugin service
      * manage the Dataset catalog
      * manage configuration (often being passed off to the service
      * Anything else we think is a "common good" that will
        make building and managing services easier

2. WFS/WMS/WCS will be example services that people could either
download-and-plugin or would come as separate downloads.
  Each of the plugins would be responsible for handling the actual
requests, and any service-specific configuration. The plugins would
use the framework core to help implement the actual services. They
would also be responsible for all their configuration (including the
web-app to actually do the config).

This differs from the "GeoCollaborator" system which isn't really
supposed to be smart and build new services up from scratch - its
supposed to enhance existing services. Geoserver 2.0 is supposed to
make it a easier to develop and deploy new services.

I'm not sure exactly what this will look at - this is something we
really need to spend time and hammer out. There's lots of pros-and-cons
of putting different services (or service-helpers) in the core or
making the sub-components completely responsible for them. And example
would be security and user authentication; where (exactly) should it be
managed - there's lots of different places to put it.

(Feel free to reply with better suggestions and comments)

Personally, I think this is a pretty ambitious task thats going to take
quite a bit of time to actually pull-off. This is especially so if we
try to actually implement these things inside geotools instead of
having complete control inside geoserver. The unfortunate situation is
that, certainly from a web-configuration perspective, geoserver maybe
at variable stages of "unuseable" during the lengthy transition.

(As an aside, I believe jody and his team spent a lot of time on just
the STRUTs web app for config - see jody's message on this.)

I think you can see that the two biggest things to change will be (1)
the catalog stuff and (2) the config stuff.

I keep repeating myself, but for people doing things like the ingestion
engine need to just be warned that things will be changing in the
future so make sure that you make the program easy-to-change. I don't
think there's going to be any radical changes (we're still going to
have datastores and feature-type, etc...), but how its organized and
the actual content could change significantly. I expect you folks to
be involved in all these decisions so its not something thats going to
sneak up on you.


There's been a bunch of good suggestions floating around from everyone
in this conversation.

I did like paolo's idea of using Features to represent configuration
information (like the catalog and security) so you can leverage
existing geotools infrastructure like datastore (persistence) and
filter (searching).

Alessio, also, had a bunch of good idea in his email messages.

I would steer away from this, there are existing technologies for configuration and security that
we should be using. Lets use them and save our energies for the actual work we need to do in
making a OWS framework.


In a more practical manner, I don't really know what the timeframe that
these major changes will take place. I think it will really depend on
what you folks want to do.

I'm a bit risk-adverse on the issue since I want to ensure that
Geoserver is always getting better - easier to configure and more
stable. This might require a 1.3 branch and a radically different 2.0
branch, which can be a maintenance problem.

I talked to jody about moving some of the Udig work out of udig and into
geotools, and I'm not sure what his plan is for it. I dont think it was
something planned over the short time; and I've heard estimates from 2
weeks to 1 year.

It is more that unless there is a project (or developers) that need this functionality in geotools
there is no advantage to backporting. The estimate is more based on when will another project
be interested in working together then any technical difficulty.

But if there is interest it can be done, there is not that much code and it is of high quality. Right now there
is more interest in backporting a lot of the uDig rendering goodness...



Its worth understanding the role that feature Types have across different OGC specs - they are poorly integrated in the current round of OGC specs but this may improve.

image shows how common data base serves a common feature expressed through several interfaces and operations: WFS, SLD and GetFeatureInfo

So, following from this reality, as well as the fact that FeatureTypes will increasingly be externally defined, IMHO the GeoTools architecture needs refactoring to allow common configuration around the FeatureTypes, not the database connections.

Gabriel Roldan is doing some design work around these issues at the moment, so if there is going to be some work done elsewhere can we try to keep the activities in sync so we can schedule a single refactoring.

Rob Atkinson

Jody Garnett wrote:

Including a lot of your email dave because it is subject matter for the OpenSDI mailing list.

I haven't put a lot of thought into the new 2.0 "Geo Application
Framework" so I don't really know where - exactly - its going. But, I
though I'd throw a few ideas out so people can put their 2 cents in

There's been a bit of trend to not put components in Geotools, which I
hope is turning around. At least everyone is talking about re-merging.

Catalog is something that really needs to be stuck back in geotools as
almost everyone doing non-trivial projects needs one. Paolo already
mentioned some ideas on this, and I know that Jody, Chris and I have
also mentioned it.

First of all a word of encouragement:
- Setting up a Framework is important - it is the one thing uDig development has taught us :slight_smile: A good framework makes all the difference.
- You are not as far away from 2.0 as you think, GeoServer is already broken into chunks. The WFS and WMS talk to an interface called Data. They don't have to see the same Data implementation. BTW Data == Catalog == Configuration of data connections.
- Catalog (or Data) implementations: GeoServer GlobalData, Geotools Repository, uDig ICatalog - these are all the same class/idea.

Basically GeoServer is already organized in the right manner, what is lacking is a consistent framework to drop the components into.
And provide persistence, configuration, web ui for configuration, channeling of requests (regardless of XML/KVP) etc...

If I was doing this I would:
- scrounge up the framework chunks (based on some research, such as occurs of the OpenSDI list)
- implement the easiest service possible; Feature Portrayal Service because it does not have any data
- release for public abuse of the framework components
- port the uDig Catalog (and merge with GeoServer Data)
- port the GeoServer WFS
- release for public abuse (and assistence in passing Cite tests)
- port the GeoServer WMS, WCS and so on
- release for public abuse as a beta

Note this allows the framework to have a logical progression of capabilities for the request/response subsystem.
- GET (w/ KVP) and Image (non XML) response for FPS
- POST (w/ XML request) and XML Response first (for WFS)
- SOAP / WSDL later (for service chaining)

Note I would expect the system to be *easy*. Drop a module in, with required request response schemas. And a discoverable class for prossing of the same.
Indeed you can probably handle the KVP get requests just using reflection as long as the parameters are sufficiently well known.
public Image WMS.getMap( Envelope bbox, List<Layer> layers, int width, int height ) for example

In generic terms, I think the new architecture will look something like
this (Jody and Chris have already talked about this):

1. The "Core GeoServer" will be quite small, and basically serve as the
container for other services and handle such tasks like:
      * taking requests and routing them to the correct plugin service
      * manage the Dataset catalog
      * manage configuration (often being passed off to the service
      * Anything else we think is a "common good" that will
        make building and managing services easier

2. WFS/WMS/WCS will be example services that people could either
download-and-plugin or would come as separate downloads.
  Each of the plugins would be responsible for handling the actual
requests, and any service-specific configuration. The plugins would
use the framework core to help implement the actual services. They
would also be responsible for all their configuration (including the
web-app to actually do the config).

This differs from the "GeoCollaborator" system which isn't really
supposed to be smart and build new services up from scratch - its
supposed to enhance existing services. Geoserver 2.0 is supposed to
make it a easier to develop and deploy new services.

I'm not sure exactly what this will look at - this is something we
really need to spend time and hammer out. There's lots of pros-and-cons
of putting different services (or service-helpers) in the core or
making the sub-components completely responsible for them. And example
would be security and user authentication; where (exactly) should it be
managed - there's lots of different places to put it.

(Feel free to reply with better suggestions and comments)

Personally, I think this is a pretty ambitious task thats going to take
quite a bit of time to actually pull-off. This is especially so if we
try to actually implement these things inside geotools instead of
having complete control inside geoserver. The unfortunate situation is
that, certainly from a web-configuration perspective, geoserver maybe
at variable stages of "unuseable" during the lengthy transition.

(As an aside, I believe jody and his team spent a lot of time on just
the STRUTs web app for config - see jody's message on this.)

I think you can see that the two biggest things to change will be (1)
the catalog stuff and (2) the config stuff.

I keep repeating myself, but for people doing things like the ingestion
engine need to just be warned that things will be changing in the
future so make sure that you make the program easy-to-change. I don't
think there's going to be any radical changes (we're still going to
have datastores and feature-type, etc...), but how its organized and
the actual content could change significantly. I expect you folks to
be involved in all these decisions so its not something thats going to
sneak up on you.


There's been a bunch of good suggestions floating around from everyone
in this conversation.

I did like paolo's idea of using Features to represent configuration
information (like the catalog and security) so you can leverage
existing geotools infrastructure like datastore (persistence) and
filter (searching).

Alessio, also, had a bunch of good idea in his email messages.

I would steer away from this, there are existing technologies for configuration and security that
we should be using. Lets use them and save our energies for the actual work we need to do in
making a OWS framework.


In a more practical manner, I don't really know what the timeframe that
these major changes will take place. I think it will really depend on
what you folks want to do.

I'm a bit risk-adverse on the issue since I want to ensure that
Geoserver is always getting better - easier to configure and more
stable. This might require a 1.3 branch and a radically different 2.0
branch, which can be a maintenance problem.

I talked to jody about moving some of the Udig work out of udig and into
geotools, and I'm not sure what his plan is for it. I dont think it was
something planned over the short time; and I've heard estimates from 2
weeks to 1 year.

It is more that unless there is a project (or developers) that need this functionality in geotools
there is no advantage to backporting. The estimate is more based on when will another project
be interested in working together then any technical difficulty.

But if there is interest it can be done, there is not that much code and it is of high quality. Right now there
is more interest in backporting a lot of the uDig rendering goodness...



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Geoserver-devel mailing list



Rob Atkinson wrote:

Its worth understanding the role that feature Types have across different OGC specs - they are poorly integrated in the current round of OGC specs but this may improve.

image shows how common data base serves a common feature expressed through several interfaces and operations: WFS, SLD and GetFeatureInfo

So, following from this reality, as well as the fact that FeatureTypes will increasingly be externally defined, IMHO the GeoTools architecture needs refactoring to allow common configuration around the FeatureTypes, not the database connections.

Gabriel Roldan is doing some design work around these issues at the moment, so if there is going to be some work done elsewhere can we try to keep the activities in sync so we can schedule a single refactoring.

Rob we are thinking along the same lines.

The big thing to keep in mind is the GeoAPI interfaces - that is the direction things are being pushed towards. You may also consider looking at the GeoTools Repository API which is organized around featureType (and the datastores are no longer visiable).

I have been too busy to do my comparitive FeatureType models (GML2 GML3 GeoAPI Geotools 2.0 Geotools2.1) which I understood I needed before engaging the community in a discussion of what we wanted Geotools2.2 interfaces to look like.
