Hello everybody,
I made some analysis on the INSPIRE compatibility of GeoServer 2.2 as INSPIRE DownloadService (based on the Technical Guidance).
INSPIRE Extension (Service Metadata Link)
Is there any news on this? http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Adding-ExtendedCapabilities-to-WFS-capabilities-td4990776.html
Layer MetadataURL (Data Metadata Link(s))
The Layer MetadataURL (e. g. a link to a GetRecordByIdRequest) is rendered into the WMS-Capabilities (Layer Section) but not into the WFS-Capabilities (FeatureType Section).
INSPIRE Capabilities Example: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_dls/1.0/examples/WFS20_Caps_Scenario1_brief.xml
The Guidance paper also provides a list of the required conformance classes (Direct WFS) based on the ISO 19143. ResourceIdentification and Minimum XPath Filter are not advertised/supported in GeoServer 2.2
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Ad hoc Query [advertised]
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Resource Identification [NOT advertised]
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Minimum Standard Filter [advertised]
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Minimum Spatial Filter [advertised]
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Minimum Temporal Filter [advertised]
ISO 19143 (FES 2.0) Minimum XPath Filter [NOT advertised]
Best regards