The move of license / notice not being included in the bin download has broken the windows installer script. I will update and re-run the release candidate (see ).
Since this is only a release candidate I do not see any reason to delay announcing today; please review the blog post anouncement.
I tried the bin-zip on Windows and Eclipse Adoptium: (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM). I checked the service capabilities, previews for a bunch of layers, and some random pages in the UI. All that I tried seems to be OK except these to cababilites URLs: which have “services=” instead of “service=”.
I have taken another go at the release process to address the windows installer script tripping up including license files. Release candidate is the right (well only) chance to address such things.
Layer Preview and Welcome Page do a general query for PublishedInfo … which for a user with workspace only permissions just returns layers. It was checking LayerInfo, and not including LayerGroup