[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.4.7 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the maintenance release of GeoServer 2.4.7: http://geoserver.org/release/2.4.7/

The GeoServer 2.4.7 Release Notes detail changes in this maintenance release, which include:

  • Rendering and referencing improvements for both polar projections and whole earth projections.
  • Rendering fixes for multi-line labels
  • UI fix for keeping SLD files separated during editing
  • Security fixes for those using CAS security
  • Using WPS and workspaces? This release has a few fixes for you.
  • See also GeoTools 10.7 Release Notes.

Now is a great time to upgrade to GeoServer 2.5. If you need more time there is a final 2.4 maintenance release scheduled for August (as part of our extended release schedule.)

The GeoServer Team