[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.7-RC1 Released

GeoServer 2.7-RC1 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.7-RC1 with some great new features. The download page for 2.7-RC1 provides links for zip, war, dmg, and exe bundles. As a release candidate, 2.7-RC1 is considered experimental and is provided for testing purposes. This release is not recommended for production (even if you are enthusiastic about the new features).

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 13-RC1 and GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1. Thanks to Ben Caradoc-Davies (Transient Software, New Zealand) for making this release, Kevin Smith (Boundless) for releasing GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1, Jody Garnett (Boundless) for building the dmg and testing, and a big thanks to Andrea Aime (GeoSolutions) for gathering up the contents (and pictures) for this blog post, which is based almost entirely on his post announcing the release of 2.7-beta.

A complete change log since 2.7-beta is available from the issue tracker.

Please Download and Test

The committers have a great release for you to look forward to, we would like to ask you to download and test. By trying GeoServer out on a wide range of platforms and datasets we can all help the next release be great.

Testing is a key part of the open source social contract. This is your best chance to identify issues early while we still have time to do something about it. If you make use of commercial support ask your vendor about their plans for 2.7-RC1 testing.

When testing Geoserver 2.7-RC1 please let us know on the user list how it works for you. We will be sure to thank you in the final release announcement and product presentations.

New Features### Color composition and blending

Color composition and blending are two new extensions to SLD allowing the web map styler to control how overlapping layers in a map are merged together. Beyond the simple stacking and translucency control a wide range of effects are now possible by allowing masking and specific color operations for blending layers together in new ways.

A common well known example is a polygon thematic map on top of a DEM, which tends to provide under-par results using only transparency control, but generates very appealing ones when using the “multiply” blending mode:

Alpha masking also allows for neat cartographic tricks, like the one below, where the polygon fill has been cut at the border of the states generating a “inner line” effect:

Check out the documentation for a list of supported operations and some examples. We would like to thank Cleveland Metroparks for sponsoring this improvement.

WPS Clustering

GSIP 119 added support for asynchronous requests over a cluster of GeoServer instances. In WPS an asynchronous request starts by returning the client a URL that can be polled in order to know about the execution progress, and eventually to retrieve the final results. Previous to 2.7-beta the status information was kept in memory, thus only the GeoServer instance running the process could meaningfully respond to a poll from the client. With GeoServer 2.7-beta a new extension point allows the programmer to create a process status repository that can be shared among the GeoServer instances.

The first default implementation of the shared repository is a Hazelcast based one, leveraging in-memory, replicated and distributed maps to share the state information, while the results (which can be pretty large) are stored in a shared file system. The community is welcome to develop other variants that could store the information in other places, for example, a relational database, a nosql one, or in the cloud (e.g., S3 storage).

WPS Security

GSIP 121 added the ability to provide fine grained access control to processes based on our usual role based authentication system: each process or group of processes can be associated to a list of roles that can access them, while other users will be disallowed seeing or accessing the same processes.


WPS Limits

Integrating with the security, GSIP 123 added support for process execution limits, bringing WPS up to par with the other OGC services in terms of limiting the resources used by a single request. In the main WPS panel one can now configure how much processing time to give synchronous and asynchronous requests:


Also, in the new process security page one can configure a global limit for the size of complex inputs (see above), it is also possible to configure limits on a process by process basis, in order to restrict the size of inputs, the range of numerical values, and the multiplicity of repeatable inputs, to constrain the effort of a WPS process call. All these limits will be dutifully reflected in the DescribeProcess output.


If you’re not satisfied with the above limits and would like to develop new ones, no worries, the current code is setup on a pluggable WPSInputValidator extesion point that will allow you to create new types of input validators.

WPS Dismiss

The final Finally, GSIP 122 added the ability to dismiss an ongoing process from the client that requested the execution, or as an administrator. The new Dismiss operation comes from the WPS 2.0 specification, which GeoServer does not support yet, so it has to be seen as a vendor extension to WPS 1.0, which leverages the executionId parameter returned in the asynch status links to allow execution cancellation, you can read more about it in the user documentation. The administrator instead gets a new user interface panel showing the currently running operations, allowing selection and forceful dismissal of processes that are running:


The user guide contains more details about its usage. We would like to thank NATO STO CMRE for sponsoring all the above WPS improvements.

Refresh of the CSS module

The initial CSS extension (responsible for using CSS to generate SLD styles) was written in Scala. Although wildly popular, and featured up until GeoServer 2.6, the module has not been maintained to the level expected of a GeoServer extension.

Andrea has taken it unto himself to address this gap, rewriting the functionality in Java and making the result available to the GeoTools library.

The new CSS engine performs the same function as the Scala original and has managed to make a few key improvements. In particular the Java implementation can efficiently handle large CSS files without bogging down with minutes of translation time.

The user interface for the CSS editor has also been revamped a bit, making better usage of available screen space, and sporting syntax highlighting and formatting thanks to CodeMirror. This change addresses a common gripes correctly supporting relative images (the generated SLD preserves the relative path) and polygon with strokes are now translated to a single polygon symbolizer (to the benefit of GetLegendGraphic calls). Finally, you’ll notice that the download size have been significantly trimmed, as we don’t need anymore the Scala runtime.

The new translator has been tested against a few hundreds CSS styles already, but of course it’s new, so it’s of paramount importance that you test your own styles, and let us know if you notice any regression.

We take the occasion to thank David Window for creating the initial CSS module, and Andrea Aime for porting it to java and acting as the new maintainer.

Relative time support in WMS/WCS

As you probably knows GeoServer supports time based filtering in both WMS (aka WMS-T) and WCS (as part of WCS-EO). Up until now you had to specify the desired time either as an absolute value, e.g. &time=2011-05-02, or as an absolute range of values, e.g. &time=2011-05-02/2011-05-05.

The work done in GSIP 124 adds support for a vendor specific extension to the time syntax which allows the specification of relative times, e.g., the last 36 hours, “PT36H/PRESENT”, or the day after December 25 2012, “2010-12-25T00:00:00.0Z/P1D”.

This allows for more compact requests, but more importantly, it allows to generate stable, publishable links to instants or intervals relative to the present server time, e.g., the weather forecast for tomorrow, two days and three days in the future, or the temperature maps for the last three days, maybe in a KML document generated with animations over time.


In addition a wide range of improvements have been made:

  • For those making printed maps, we added a new vendor parameter forcing GeoServer to ignore the WMS simple scale computation algorithm, and run a local and accurate one instead, resulting in better integration between printing requirements and maps with scale dependencies.
  • The flow-control module now also supports rate based rules, with the ability to slow down, or simply reject, requests that are incoming from a specific client at an excessive rate.
  • For those working at the dateline, you’ll be pleased to know that the WCS 2.0 GetCoverage requests can now handle bounding boxes crossing the dateline, and they will take the two halves of your coverage from the antipodes, merge them together in a single output file that will be returned to you (much like the same support for WMS, introduced in 2.6.0).
  • For people using configuration in the database, the JDBCConfig module and core modules have seen a number of changes to increase scalability and push down into the database as much filtering as possible in a larger number of commonly used code paths.
  • The DDS module, allowing extraction of DEM portions using the WMS protocol in order to feed Nasa Worldwind, has seen a number of fixes and now allows the specification of a texture compression format.
  • Finally, the map preview has been switched to OpenLayers 3, although the nostalgic can get back the OL2 based one by adding the “-DENABLE_OL3=false” parameter to the JVM startup options. Thanks to Bart for helping add this to GeoServer.

This concludes the most visible changes, if you are missing some please check the full changelog for details, there is quite a bit more stuff in there.

Community modules

In addition to the core GeoServer and extensions we have an active community area for experiments and new volunteers. This release comes with a number of new community modules that you might find useful.

Clustering modules

The community section now holds two clustering modules allowing a cluster of GeoServer instances to work against a shared vision of the data directory.

The first one, contributed by GeoSolutions, works using J2EE JMS messages to share the state against the various nodes, and allows the usage of the normal file based configuration, either in a shared data dir mode, or data dir per node mode. This is know as the “JMS clustering”, see the documentation for more details. The module is ready for testing as it’s part of the nightly builds.

The second one, contributed by Boundless, works by using Hazelcast distributed messages, and it’s designed to work best against the JDBConfig module. At this time there are no released artifacts or documentation, but the adventurous user will find it pretty easy to figure out.


The GeoFence advanced security subsystem has been donated to the GeoServer project by GeoSolutions earlier this year, this module is the plugin connecting a GeoServer instance to the GeoFence rule engine.

GeoFence allows to setup complex security rules and leverage the full power of the underlying GeoServer security subsystem, for example, it’s possible to establish security rules mixing in the same condition data and service being used, limit attributes available to certain users/operations, filter data so that certain records are not visible to the public, force certain default style to given user roles, and so on. The GeoFence wiki contains documentation on how to use and configure the system.

SOLR data store

The SOLR data store allows GeoServer to connect to a SOLR server and publish its spatial document via the OGC protocols, efficiently making maps, serving them via the WFS service, and allowing spatial analysis via WPS. The user interface allows to classify sets of documents as layers, and map the document variable structure into the fixed structure of simple feature types served by GeoServer.

You can read an introduction in this blog post, and delve into details in the user documentation.

New WPS output formats

The gs-gpx and gs-kml modules offer two new PPIO to translate feature collection resulting off WPS processes in the respective formats. The KML one, in particular, also supports limited input parsing, allowing to send KML documents as inputs to the WPS services.

The WPS download process

The wps-download community module forms the basis of an “advanced clip and ship” tool that allows a client to ask for data in a specific area, eventually reprojecting it, estimate the download size, and allow the preparazion of a zip package with the desired data, all via asynchronous calls, providing a good replacement for WFS/WCS when the amount of data to be extracted is too large to be delivered via synchronous HTTP calls.

About GeoServer 2.7

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.7 series:

Ben Caradoc-Davies [<ben@anonymised.com>](mailto:ben@anonymised.com)
Software Engineer
Transient Software [<http://transient.nz>](http://transient.nz)
New Zealand

Thanks for getting that out Ben.

We have a few more things to highlight since the beta:


On 20 February 2015 at 22:54, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> wrote:

GeoServer 2.7-RC1 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.7-RC1 with some great new features. The download page for 2.7-RC1 provides links for zip, war, dmg, and exe bundles. As a release candidate, 2.7-RC1 is considered experimental and is provided for testing purposes. This release is not recommended for production (even if you are enthusiastic about the new features).

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 13-RC1 and GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1. Thanks to Ben Caradoc-Davies (Transient Software, New Zealand) for making this release, Kevin Smith (Boundless) for releasing GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1, Jody Garnett (Boundless) for building the dmg and testing, and a big thanks to Andrea Aime (GeoSolutions) for gathering up the contents (and pictures) for this blog post, which is based almost entirely on his post announcing the release of 2.7-beta.

A complete change log since 2.7-beta is available from the issue tracker.

Please Download and Test

The committers have a great release for you to look forward to, we would like to ask you to download and test. By trying GeoServer out on a wide range of platforms and datasets we can all help the next release be great.

Testing is a key part of the open source social contract. This is your best chance to identify issues early while we still have time to do something about it. If you make use of commercial support ask your vendor about their plans for 2.7-RC1 testing.

When testing Geoserver 2.7-RC1 please let us know on the user list how it works for you. We will be sure to thank you in the final release announcement and product presentations.

New Features### Color composition and blending

Color composition and blending are two new extensions to SLD allowing the web map styler to control how overlapping layers in a map are merged together. Beyond the simple stacking and translucency control a wide range of effects are now possible by allowing masking and specific color operations for blending layers together in new ways.

A common well known example is a polygon thematic map on top of a DEM, which tends to provide under-par results using only transparency control, but generates very appealing ones when using the “multiply” blending mode:

Alpha masking also allows for neat cartographic tricks, like the one below, where the polygon fill has been cut at the border of the states generating a “inner line” effect:

Check out the documentation for a list of supported operations and some examples. We would like to thank Cleveland Metroparks for sponsoring this improvement.

WPS Clustering

GSIP 119 added support for asynchronous requests over a cluster of GeoServer instances. In WPS an asynchronous request starts by returning the client a URL that can be polled in order to know about the execution progress, and eventually to retrieve the final results. Previous to 2.7-beta the status information was kept in memory, thus only the GeoServer instance running the process could meaningfully respond to a poll from the client. With GeoServer 2.7-beta a new extension point allows the programmer to create a process status repository that can be shared among the GeoServer instances.

The first default implementation of the shared repository is a Hazelcast based one, leveraging in-memory, replicated and distributed maps to share the state information, while the results (which can be pretty large) are stored in a shared file system. The community is welcome to develop other variants that could store the information in other places, for example, a relational database, a nosql one, or in the cloud (e.g., S3 storage).

WPS Security

GSIP 121 added the ability to provide fine grained access control to processes based on our usual role based authentication system: each process or group of processes can be associated to a list of roles that can access them, while other users will be disallowed seeing or accessing the same processes.


WPS Limits

Integrating with the security, GSIP 123 added support for process execution limits, bringing WPS up to par with the other OGC services in terms of limiting the resources used by a single request. In the main WPS panel one can now configure how much processing time to give synchronous and asynchronous requests:


Also, in the new process security page one can configure a global limit for the size of complex inputs (see above), it is also possible to configure limits on a process by process basis, in order to restrict the size of inputs, the range of numerical values, and the multiplicity of repeatable inputs, to constrain the effort of a WPS process call. All these limits will be dutifully reflected in the DescribeProcess output.


If you’re not satisfied with the above limits and would like to develop new ones, no worries, the current code is setup on a pluggable WPSInputValidator extesion point that will allow you to create new types of input validators.

WPS Dismiss

The final Finally, GSIP 122 added the ability to dismiss an ongoing process from the client that requested the execution, or as an administrator. The new Dismiss operation comes from the WPS 2.0 specification, which GeoServer does not support yet, so it has to be seen as a vendor extension to WPS 1.0, which leverages the executionId parameter returned in the asynch status links to allow execution cancellation, you can read more about it in the user documentation. The administrator instead gets a new user interface panel showing the currently running operations, allowing selection and forceful dismissal of processes that are running:


The user guide contains more details about its usage. We would like to thank NATO STO CMRE for sponsoring all the above WPS improvements.

Refresh of the CSS module

The initial CSS extension (responsible for using CSS to generate SLD styles) was written in Scala. Although wildly popular, and featured up until GeoServer 2.6, the module has not been maintained to the level expected of a GeoServer extension.

Andrea has taken it unto himself to address this gap, rewriting the functionality in Java and making the result available to the GeoTools library.

The new CSS engine performs the same function as the Scala original and has managed to make a few key improvements. In particular the Java implementation can efficiently handle large CSS files without bogging down with minutes of translation time.

The user interface for the CSS editor has also been revamped a bit, making better usage of available screen space, and sporting syntax highlighting and formatting thanks to CodeMirror. This change addresses a common gripes correctly supporting relative images (the generated SLD preserves the relative path) and polygon with strokes are now translated to a single polygon symbolizer (to the benefit of GetLegendGraphic calls). Finally, you’ll notice that the download size have been significantly trimmed, as we don’t need anymore the Scala runtime.

The new translator has been tested against a few hundreds CSS styles already, but of course it’s new, so it’s of paramount importance that you test your own styles, and let us know if you notice any regression.

We take the occasion to thank David Window for creating the initial CSS module, and Andrea Aime for porting it to java and acting as the new maintainer.

Relative time support in WMS/WCS

As you probably knows GeoServer supports time based filtering in both WMS (aka WMS-T) and WCS (as part of WCS-EO). Up until now you had to specify the desired time either as an absolute value, e.g. &time=2011-05-02, or as an absolute range of values, e.g. &time=2011-05-02/2011-05-05.

The work done in GSIP 124 adds support for a vendor specific extension to the time syntax which allows the specification of relative times, e.g., the last 36 hours, “PT36H/PRESENT”, or the day after December 25 2012, “2010-12-25T00:00:00.0Z/P1D”.

This allows for more compact requests, but more importantly, it allows to generate stable, publishable links to instants or intervals relative to the present server time, e.g., the weather forecast for tomorrow, two days and three days in the future, or the temperature maps for the last three days, maybe in a KML document generated with animations over time.


In addition a wide range of improvements have been made:

  • For those making printed maps, we added a new vendor parameter forcing GeoServer to ignore the WMS simple scale computation algorithm, and run a local and accurate one instead, resulting in better integration between printing requirements and maps with scale dependencies.
  • The flow-control module now also supports rate based rules, with the ability to slow down, or simply reject, requests that are incoming from a specific client at an excessive rate.
  • For those working at the dateline, you’ll be pleased to know that the WCS 2.0 GetCoverage requests can now handle bounding boxes crossing the dateline, and they will take the two halves of your coverage from the antipodes, merge them together in a single output file that will be returned to you (much like the same support for WMS, introduced in 2.6.0).
  • For people using configuration in the database, the JDBCConfig module and core modules have seen a number of changes to increase scalability and push down into the database as much filtering as possible in a larger number of commonly used code paths.
  • The DDS module, allowing extraction of DEM portions using the WMS protocol in order to feed Nasa Worldwind, has seen a number of fixes and now allows the specification of a texture compression format.
  • Finally, the map preview has been switched to OpenLayers 3, although the nostalgic can get back the OL2 based one by adding the “-DENABLE_OL3=false” parameter to the JVM startup options. Thanks to Bart for helping add this to GeoServer.

This concludes the most visible changes, if you are missing some please check the full changelog for details, there is quite a bit more stuff in there.

Community modules

In addition to the core GeoServer and extensions we have an active community area for experiments and new volunteers. This release comes with a number of new community modules that you might find useful.

Clustering modules

The community section now holds two clustering modules allowing a cluster of GeoServer instances to work against a shared vision of the data directory.

The first one, contributed by GeoSolutions, works using J2EE JMS messages to share the state against the various nodes, and allows the usage of the normal file based configuration, either in a shared data dir mode, or data dir per node mode. This is know as the “JMS clustering”, see the documentation for more details. The module is ready for testing as it’s part of the nightly builds.

The second one, contributed by Boundless, works by using Hazelcast distributed messages, and it’s designed to work best against the JDBConfig module. At this time there are no released artifacts or documentation, but the adventurous user will find it pretty easy to figure out.


The GeoFence advanced security subsystem has been donated to the GeoServer project by GeoSolutions earlier this year, this module is the plugin connecting a GeoServer instance to the GeoFence rule engine.

GeoFence allows to setup complex security rules and leverage the full power of the underlying GeoServer security subsystem, for example, it’s possible to establish security rules mixing in the same condition data and service being used, limit attributes available to certain users/operations, filter data so that certain records are not visible to the public, force certain default style to given user roles, and so on. The GeoFence wiki contains documentation on how to use and configure the system.

SOLR data store

The SOLR data store allows GeoServer to connect to a SOLR server and publish its spatial document via the OGC protocols, efficiently making maps, serving them via the WFS service, and allowing spatial analysis via WPS. The user interface allows to classify sets of documents as layers, and map the document variable structure into the fixed structure of simple feature types served by GeoServer.

You can read an introduction in this blog post, and delve into details in the user documentation.

New WPS output formats

The gs-gpx and gs-kml modules offer two new PPIO to translate feature collection resulting off WPS processes in the respective formats. The KML one, in particular, also supports limited input parsing, allowing to send KML documents as inputs to the WPS services.

The WPS download process

The wps-download community module forms the basis of an “advanced clip and ship” tool that allows a client to ask for data in a specific area, eventually reprojecting it, estimate the download size, and allow the preparazion of a zip package with the desired data, all via asynchronous calls, providing a good replacement for WFS/WCS when the amount of data to be extracted is too large to be delivered via synchronous HTTP calls.

About GeoServer 2.7

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.7 series:

Ben Caradoc-Davies [<ben@anonymised.com>](mailto:ben@anonymised.com)
Software Engineer
Transient Software [<http://transient.nz>](http://transient.nz)
New Zealand

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Jody Garnett

Hi Ben,

Don’t know whether you feel it’s big enough to mention or not, but I hear the release also includes support for cascaded WFS stored queries. :wink:



On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:

Thanks for getting that out Ben.

We have a few more things to highlight since the beta:

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Jody Garnett

On 20 February 2015 at 22:54, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> wrote:

GeoServer 2.7-RC1 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.7-RC1 with some great new features. The download page for 2.7-RC1 provides links for zip, war, dmg, and exe bundles. As a release candidate, 2.7-RC1 is considered experimental and is provided for testing purposes. This release is not recommended for production (even if you are enthusiastic about the new features).

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 13-RC1 and GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1. Thanks to Ben Caradoc-Davies (Transient Software, New Zealand) for making this release, Kevin Smith (Boundless) for releasing GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1, Jody Garnett (Boundless) for building the dmg and testing, and a big thanks to Andrea Aime (GeoSolutions) for gathering up the contents (and pictures) for this blog post, which is based almost entirely on his post announcing the release of 2.7-beta.

A complete change log since 2.7-beta is available from the issue tracker.

Please Download and Test

The committers have a great release for you to look forward to, we would like to ask you to download and test. By trying GeoServer out on a wide range of platforms and datasets we can all help the next release be great.

Testing is a key part of the open source social contract. This is your best chance to identify issues early while we still have time to do something about it. If you make use of commercial support ask your vendor about their plans for 2.7-RC1 testing.

When testing Geoserver 2.7-RC1 please let us know on the user list how it works for you. We will be sure to thank you in the final release announcement and product presentations.

New Features### Color composition and blending

Color composition and blending are two new extensions to SLD allowing the web map styler to control how overlapping layers in a map are merged together. Beyond the simple stacking and translucency control a wide range of effects are now possible by allowing masking and specific color operations for blending layers together in new ways.

A common well known example is a polygon thematic map on top of a DEM, which tends to provide under-par results using only transparency control, but generates very appealing ones when using the “multiply” blending mode:

Alpha masking also allows for neat cartographic tricks, like the one below, where the polygon fill has been cut at the border of the states generating a “inner line” effect:

Check out the documentation for a list of supported operations and some examples. We would like to thank Cleveland Metroparks for sponsoring this improvement.

WPS Clustering

GSIP 119 added support for asynchronous requests over a cluster of GeoServer instances. In WPS an asynchronous request starts by returning the client a URL that can be polled in order to know about the execution progress, and eventually to retrieve the final results. Previous to 2.7-beta the status information was kept in memory, thus only the GeoServer instance running the process could meaningfully respond to a poll from the client. With GeoServer 2.7-beta a new extension point allows the programmer to create a process status repository that can be shared among the GeoServer instances.

The first default implementation of the shared repository is a Hazelcast based one, leveraging in-memory, replicated and distributed maps to share the state information, while the results (which can be pretty large) are stored in a shared file system. The community is welcome to develop other variants that could store the information in other places, for example, a relational database, a nosql one, or in the cloud (e.g., S3 storage).

WPS Security

GSIP 121 added the ability to provide fine grained access control to processes based on our usual role based authentication system: each process or group of processes can be associated to a list of roles that can access them, while other users will be disallowed seeing or accessing the same processes.


WPS Limits

Integrating with the security, GSIP 123 added support for process execution limits, bringing WPS up to par with the other OGC services in terms of limiting the resources used by a single request. In the main WPS panel one can now configure how much processing time to give synchronous and asynchronous requests:


Also, in the new process security page one can configure a global limit for the size of complex inputs (see above), it is also possible to configure limits on a process by process basis, in order to restrict the size of inputs, the range of numerical values, and the multiplicity of repeatable inputs, to constrain the effort of a WPS process call. All these limits will be dutifully reflected in the DescribeProcess output.


If you’re not satisfied with the above limits and would like to develop new ones, no worries, the current code is setup on a pluggable WPSInputValidator extesion point that will allow you to create new types of input validators.

WPS Dismiss

The final Finally, GSIP 122 added the ability to dismiss an ongoing process from the client that requested the execution, or as an administrator. The new Dismiss operation comes from the WPS 2.0 specification, which GeoServer does not support yet, so it has to be seen as a vendor extension to WPS 1.0, which leverages the executionId parameter returned in the asynch status links to allow execution cancellation, you can read more about it in the user documentation. The administrator instead gets a new user interface panel showing the currently running operations, allowing selection and forceful dismissal of processes that are running:


The user guide contains more details about its usage. We would like to thank NATO STO CMRE for sponsoring all the above WPS improvements.

Refresh of the CSS module

The initial CSS extension (responsible for using CSS to generate SLD styles) was written in Scala. Although wildly popular, and featured up until GeoServer 2.6, the module has not been maintained to the level expected of a GeoServer extension.

Andrea has taken it unto himself to address this gap, rewriting the functionality in Java and making the result available to the GeoTools library.

The new CSS engine performs the same function as the Scala original and has managed to make a few key improvements. In particular the Java implementation can efficiently handle large CSS files without bogging down with minutes of translation time.

The user interface for the CSS editor has also been revamped a bit, making better usage of available screen space, and sporting syntax highlighting and formatting thanks to CodeMirror. This change addresses a common gripes correctly supporting relative images (the generated SLD preserves the relative path) and polygon with strokes are now translated to a single polygon symbolizer (to the benefit of GetLegendGraphic calls). Finally, you’ll notice that the download size have been significantly trimmed, as we don’t need anymore the Scala runtime.

The new translator has been tested against a few hundreds CSS styles already, but of course it’s new, so it’s of paramount importance that you test your own styles, and let us know if you notice any regression.

We take the occasion to thank David Window for creating the initial CSS module, and Andrea Aime for porting it to java and acting as the new maintainer.

Relative time support in WMS/WCS

As you probably knows GeoServer supports time based filtering in both WMS (aka WMS-T) and WCS (as part of WCS-EO). Up until now you had to specify the desired time either as an absolute value, e.g. &time=2011-05-02, or as an absolute range of values, e.g. &time=2011-05-02/2011-05-05.

The work done in GSIP 124 adds support for a vendor specific extension to the time syntax which allows the specification of relative times, e.g., the last 36 hours, “PT36H/PRESENT”, or the day after December 25 2012, “2010-12-25T00:00:00.0Z/P1D”.

This allows for more compact requests, but more importantly, it allows to generate stable, publishable links to instants or intervals relative to the present server time, e.g., the weather forecast for tomorrow, two days and three days in the future, or the temperature maps for the last three days, maybe in a KML document generated with animations over time.


In addition a wide range of improvements have been made:

  • For those making printed maps, we added a new vendor parameter forcing GeoServer to ignore the WMS simple scale computation algorithm, and run a local and accurate one instead, resulting in better integration between printing requirements and maps with scale dependencies.
  • The flow-control module now also supports rate based rules, with the ability to slow down, or simply reject, requests that are incoming from a specific client at an excessive rate.
  • For those working at the dateline, you’ll be pleased to know that the WCS 2.0 GetCoverage requests can now handle bounding boxes crossing the dateline, and they will take the two halves of your coverage from the antipodes, merge them together in a single output file that will be returned to you (much like the same support for WMS, introduced in 2.6.0).
  • For people using configuration in the database, the JDBCConfig module and core modules have seen a number of changes to increase scalability and push down into the database as much filtering as possible in a larger number of commonly used code paths.
  • The DDS module, allowing extraction of DEM portions using the WMS protocol in order to feed Nasa Worldwind, has seen a number of fixes and now allows the specification of a texture compression format.
  • Finally, the map preview has been switched to OpenLayers 3, although the nostalgic can get back the OL2 based one by adding the “-DENABLE_OL3=false” parameter to the JVM startup options. Thanks to Bart for helping add this to GeoServer.

This concludes the most visible changes, if you are missing some please check the full changelog for details, there is quite a bit more stuff in there.

Community modules

In addition to the core GeoServer and extensions we have an active community area for experiments and new volunteers. This release comes with a number of new community modules that you might find useful.

Clustering modules

The community section now holds two clustering modules allowing a cluster of GeoServer instances to work against a shared vision of the data directory.

The first one, contributed by GeoSolutions, works using J2EE JMS messages to share the state against the various nodes, and allows the usage of the normal file based configuration, either in a shared data dir mode, or data dir per node mode. This is know as the “JMS clustering”, see the documentation for more details. The module is ready for testing as it’s part of the nightly builds.

The second one, contributed by Boundless, works by using Hazelcast distributed messages, and it’s designed to work best against the JDBConfig module. At this time there are no released artifacts or documentation, but the adventurous user will find it pretty easy to figure out.


The GeoFence advanced security subsystem has been donated to the GeoServer project by GeoSolutions earlier this year, this module is the plugin connecting a GeoServer instance to the GeoFence rule engine.

GeoFence allows to setup complex security rules and leverage the full power of the underlying GeoServer security subsystem, for example, it’s possible to establish security rules mixing in the same condition data and service being used, limit attributes available to certain users/operations, filter data so that certain records are not visible to the public, force certain default style to given user roles, and so on. The GeoFence wiki contains documentation on how to use and configure the system.

SOLR data store

The SOLR data store allows GeoServer to connect to a SOLR server and publish its spatial document via the OGC protocols, efficiently making maps, serving them via the WFS service, and allowing spatial analysis via WPS. The user interface allows to classify sets of documents as layers, and map the document variable structure into the fixed structure of simple feature types served by GeoServer.

You can read an introduction in this blog post, and delve into details in the user documentation.

New WPS output formats

The gs-gpx and gs-kml modules offer two new PPIO to translate feature collection resulting off WPS processes in the respective formats. The KML one, in particular, also supports limited input parsing, allowing to send KML documents as inputs to the WPS services.

The WPS download process

The wps-download community module forms the basis of an “advanced clip and ship” tool that allows a client to ask for data in a specific area, eventually reprojecting it, estimate the download size, and allow the preparazion of a zip package with the desired data, all via asynchronous calls, providing a good replacement for WFS/WCS when the amount of data to be extracted is too large to be delivered via synchronous HTTP calls.

About GeoServer 2.7

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.7 series:

Ben Caradoc-Davies [<ben@anonymised.com>](mailto:ben@anonymised.com)
Software Engineer
Transient Software [<http://transient.nz>](http://transient.nz)
New Zealand

Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo

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this new feature surely merits a mention.

Developers, I wonder if we need a process to help accumulate a list of new features for each release? A wiki page page, perhaps? Rather than last-minute blog changes. This would in my view ease the release process.

Kind regards,

On 24/02/15 09:10, Sampo Savolainen wrote:

Hi Ben,

Don't know whether you feel it's big enough to mention or not, but I hear
the release also includes support for cascaded WFS stored queries. :wink:


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com>

Thanks for getting that out Ben.

We have a few more things to highlight since the beta:

* Improved docs for Importer
<http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/extensions/importer/index.html&gt; and
a CSS Workshop
<http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/extensions/css/workshop/index.html&gt; thanks
to Mike, Travis and Jody.

Jody Garnett

On 20 February 2015 at 22:54, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> wrote:

  GeoServer 2.7-RC1 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer
2.7-RC1 <http://geoserver.org/release/2.7-RC1/&gt; with some great new
features. The download page for 2.7-RC1
<http://geoserver.org/release/2.7-RC1/&gt; provides links for zip
, war
, dmg
and exe
bundles. As a release candidate, 2.7-RC1 is considered experimental and is
provided for testing purposes. This release is not recommended for
production (even if you are enthusiastic about the new features).

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 13-RC1 and GeoWebCache
1.7-RC1. Thanks to Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> (Transient
Software, New Zealand <http://transient.nz/&gt;\) for making this release,
Kevin Smith (Boundless <http://boundlessgeo.com/&gt;\) for releasing
GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1, Jody Garnett (Boundless <http://boundlessgeo.com/&gt;\)
for building the dmg and testing, and a big thanks to Andrea Aime (
GeoSolutions <http://www.geo-solutions.it/&gt;\) for gathering up the
contents (and pictures) for this blog post, which is based almost entirely
on his post announcing the release of 2.7-beta.

A complete change log
since 2.7-beta is available from the issue tracker.
Please Download and Test

The committers have a great release for you to look forward to, we would
like to ask you to *download and test*. By trying GeoServer out on a
wide range of platforms and datasets we can all help the next release be

*Testing is a key part of the open source social contract
<http://www.how2map.com/2013/09/opensource-and-social-contract.html&gt;\. This
is your best chance to identify issues early while we still have time to do
something about it. If you make use of commercial support
<http://geoserver.org/support/&gt; ask your vendor about their plans for
2.7-RC1 testing.*

When testing Geoserver 2.7-RC1 please let us know on the user list
<http://geoserver.org/comm/&gt; how it works for you. We will be sure to
thank you in the final release announcement and product presentations.
New Features Color composition and blending

Color composition and blending are two new extensions to SLD allowing the
web map styler to control how overlapping layers in a map are merged
together. Beyond the simple stacking and translucency control a wide range
of effects are now possible by allowing masking and specific color
operations for blending layers together in new ways.

A common well known example is a polygon thematic map on top of a DEM,
which tends to provide under-par results using only transparency control,
but generates very appealing ones when using the “multiply” blending mode:


Alpha masking also allows for neat cartographic tricks, like the one
below, where the polygon fill has been cut at the border of the states
generating a “inner line” effect:


Check out the documentation for a list of supported operations and some
We would like to thank Cleveland Metroparks
<http://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/&gt; for sponsoring this improvement.
WPS Clustering

GSIP 119
added support for asynchronous requests over a cluster of GeoServer
instances. In WPS an asynchronous request starts by returning the client a
URL that can be polled in order to know about the execution progress, and
eventually to retrieve the final results. Previous to 2.7-beta the status
information was kept in memory, thus only the GeoServer instance running
the process could meaningfully respond to a poll from the client. With
GeoServer 2.7-beta a new extension point allows the programmer to create a
process status repository that can be shared among the GeoServer instances.

The first default implementation of the shared repository is a Hazelcast
based one
leveraging in-memory, replicated and distributed maps to share the state
information, while the results (which can be pretty large) are stored in a
shared file system. The community is welcome to develop other variants that
could store the information in other places, for example, a relational
database, a nosql one, or in the cloud (e.g., S3 storage).
WPS Security

GSIP 121 <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-121&gt; added
the ability to provide fine grained access control to processes based on
our usual role based authentication system: each process or group of
processes can be associated to a list of roles that can access them, while
other users will be disallowed seeing or accessing the same processes.

[image: ../../_images/security-groups.png]
WPS Limits

Integrating with the security, GSIP 123
added support for process execution limits, bringing WPS up to par with the
other OGC services in terms of limiting the resources used by a single
request. In the main WPS panel one can now configure how much processing
time to give synchronous and asynchronous requests:

[image: ../../_images/execution.png]

Also, in the new process security page one can configure a global limit
for the size of complex inputs (see above), it is also possible to
configure limits on a process by process basis, in order to restrict the
size of inputs, the range of numerical values, and the multiplicity of
repeatable inputs, to constrain the effort of a WPS process call. All these
limits will be dutifully reflected in the DescribeProcess output.

[image: ../../_images/process_limits.png]

If you’re not satisfied with the above limits and would like to develop
new ones, no worries, the current code is setup on a pluggable
WPSInputValidator extesion point that will allow you to create new types of
input validators.
WPS Dismiss

The final Finally, GSIP 122
added the ability to dismiss an ongoing process from the client that
requested the execution, or as an administrator. The new Dismiss operation
comes from the WPS 2.0 specification, which GeoServer does not support yet,
so it has to be seen as a vendor extension to WPS 1.0, which leverages the
executionId parameter returned in the asynch status links to allow
execution cancellation, you can read more about it in the user
The administrator instead gets a new user interface panel showing the
currently running operations, allowing selection and forceful dismissal of
processes that are running:

[image: ../../_images/statuspage.png]

The user guide
contains more details about its usage. We would like to thank NATO STO
CMRE <http://www.cmre.nato.int/&gt; for sponsoring all the above WPS
Refresh of the CSS module

The initial CSS extension (responsible for using CSS to generate SLD
styles) was written in Scala. Although wildly popular, and featured up
until GeoServer 2.6, the module has not been maintained to the level
expected of a GeoServer extension.

Andrea has taken it unto himself to address this gap, rewriting the
functionality in Java and making the result available to the GeoTools

The new CSS engine performs the same function as the Scala original and
has managed to make a few key improvements. In particular the Java
implementation can efficiently handle large CSS files without bogging down
with minutes of translation time.


The user interface for the CSS editor has also been revamped a bit,
making better usage of available screen space, and sporting syntax
highlighting and formatting thanks to CodeMirror. This change addresses a
common gripes correctly supporting relative images (the generated SLD
preserves the relative path) and polygon with strokes are now translated to
a single polygon symbolizer (to the benefit of GetLegendGraphic calls).
Finally, you’ll notice that the download size have been significantly
trimmed, as we don’t need anymore the Scala runtime.

The new translator has been tested against a few hundreds CSS styles
already, but of course it’s new, so it’s of paramount importance that you
test your own styles, and let us know if you notice any regression.

We take the occasion to thank David Window for creating the initial CSS
module, and Andrea Aime for porting it to java and acting as the new
Relative time support in WMS/WCS

As you probably knows GeoServer supports time based filtering in both WMS
(aka WMS-T) and WCS (as part of WCS-EO). Up until now you had to specify
the desired time either as an absolute value, e.g. &time=2011-05-02, or as
an absolute range of values, e.g. &time=2011-05-02/2011-05-05.

The work done in GSIP 124
<https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-124&gt; adds support for
a vendor specific extension to the time syntax which allows the
specification of relative times, e.g., the last 36 hours, “PT36H/PRESENT”,
or the day after December 25 2012, “2010-12-25T00:00:00.0Z/P1D”.

This allows for more compact requests, but more importantly, it allows to
generate stable, publishable links to instants or intervals relative to the
present server time, e.g., the weather forecast for tomorrow, two days and
three days in the future, or the temperature maps for the last three days,
maybe in a KML document generated with animations over time.

In addition a wide range of improvements have been made:

    - For those making printed maps, we added a new vendor parameter
    forcing GeoServer to ignore the WMS simple scale computation algorithm, and
    run a local and accurate one instead, resulting in better integration
    between printing requirements and maps with scale dependencies.
    - The flow-control module now also supports rate based rules
    with the ability to slow down, or simply reject, requests that are incoming
    from a specific client at an excessive rate.
    - For those working at the dateline, you’ll be pleased to know that
    the WCS 2.0 GetCoverage requests can now handle bounding boxes crossing the
    dateline, and they will take the two halves of your coverage from the
    antipodes, merge them together in a single output file that will be
    returned to you (much like the same support for WMS, introduced in 2.6.0).
    - For people using configuration in the database, the JDBCConfig
    module and core modules have seen a number of changes to increase
    scalability and push down into the database as much filtering as possible
    in a larger number of commonly used code paths.
    - The DDS module, allowing extraction of DEM portions using the WMS
    protocol in order to feed Nasa Worldwind, has seen a number of fixes and
    now allows the specification of a texture compression format.
    - Finally, the map preview has been switched to OpenLayers 3,
    although the nostalgic can get back the OL2 based one by adding the
    “-DENABLE_OL3=false” parameter to the JVM startup options. Thanks to Bart
    for helping add this to GeoServer.

This concludes the most visible changes, if you are missing some please
check the full changelog
for details, there is quite a bit more stuff in there.
Community modules

In addition to the core GeoServer and extensions we have an active
community area for experiments and new volunteers. This release comes with
a number of new community modules that you might find useful.
Clustering modules

The community section now holds two clustering modules allowing a cluster
of GeoServer instances to work against a shared vision of the data

The first one, contributed by GeoSolutions, works using J2EE JMS messages
to share the state against the various nodes, and allows the usage of the
normal file based configuration, either in a shared data dir mode, or data
dir per node mode. This is know as the “JMS clustering”, see the
for more details. The module is ready for testing as it’s part of the nightly
builds <http://ares.boundlessgeo.com/geoserver/master/community-latest/&gt;\.

The second one, contributed by Boundless, works by using Hazelcast
distributed messages, and it’s designed to work best against the JDBConfig
module. At this time there are no released artifacts or documentation, but
the adventurous user will find it pretty easy to figure out.

The GeoFence advanced security subsystem has been donated to the
GeoServer project by GeoSolutions earlier this year, this module is the
plugin connecting a GeoServer instance to the GeoFence rule engine.

GeoFence allows to setup complex security rules and leverage the full
power of the underlying GeoServer security subsystem, for example, it’s
possible to establish security rules mixing in the same condition data and
service being used, limit attributes available to certain users/operations,
filter data so that certain records are not visible to the public, force
certain default style to given user roles, and so on. The GeoFence wiki
<https://github.com/geoserver/geofence/wiki&gt; contains documentation on
how to use and configure the system.
SOLR data store

The SOLR data store allows GeoServer to connect to a SOLR server and
publish its spatial document via the OGC protocols, efficiently making
maps, serving them via the WFS service, and allowing spatial analysis via
WPS. The user interface allows to classify sets of documents as layers, and
map the document variable structure into the fixed structure of simple
feature types served by GeoServer.

You can read an introduction in this blog post
and delve into details in the user documentation
New WPS output formats

The gs-gpx and gs-kml modules offer two new PPIO to translate feature
collection resulting off WPS processes in the respective formats. The KML
one, in particular, also supports limited input parsing, allowing to send
KML documents as inputs to the WPS services.
The WPS download process

The wps-download community module forms the basis of an “advanced clip
and ship” tool that allows a client to ask for data in a specific area,
eventually reprojecting it, estimate the download size, and allow the
preparazion of a zip package with the desired data, all via asynchronous
calls, providing a good replacement for WFS/WCS when the amount of data to
be extracted is too large to be delivered via synchronous HTTP calls.
  About GeoServer 2.7

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.7 series:

    - *SOLR power shining through GeoServer OGC services

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> <ben@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz> <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:47 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>


this new feature surely merits a mention.

Developers, I wonder if we need a process to help accumulate a list of
new features for each release? A wiki page page, perhaps? Rather than
last-minute blog changes. This would in my view ease the release process.

We always worked off jira changelogs, and proposals to get a bit more of
over ther larger changes, maintaining manually a third separate list
certainly looks
like an un-necessary overhead that, personally, I'm not willing to support.



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.


On 26/02/15 10:36, Andrea Aime wrote:

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:47 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>

this new feature surely merits a mention.
Developers, I wonder if we need a process to help accumulate a list of
new features for each release? A wiki page page, perhaps? Rather than
last-minute blog changes. This would in my view ease the release process.

We always worked off jira changelogs, and proposals to get a bit more of
over ther larger changes, maintaining manually a third separate list
certainly looks
like an un-necessary overhead that, personally, I'm not willing to support.

I am thinking more of a blog-drafting area to make things easier for the poor old release engineer. The current approach requires trawling though Jira and proposals, and I find it quite hard to distinguish and describe incremental and major improvements well enough to select them for marketing purposes (blog post). Many Jira records are terse. The current practice requires all feature authors to be available at release time.

Perhaps an alternative practice would be to start drafting and reviewing the release blog post two weeks before the release itself? This would give more opportunity to gather contributions and improve the quality of the blog post.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

We could do a shared google doc, and then just pick up what has been added each time.

Often I write a draft post and invite people to review (but that does not always work).


On 25 February 2015 at 17:26, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com> wrote:

On 26/02/15 10:36, Andrea Aime wrote:

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:47 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>

this new feature surely merits a mention.
Developers, I wonder if we need a process to help accumulate a list of
new features for each release? A wiki page page, perhaps? Rather than
last-minute blog changes. This would in my view ease the release process.
We always worked off jira changelogs, and proposals to get a bit more of
over ther larger changes, maintaining manually a third separate list
certainly looks
like an un-necessary overhead that, personally, I’m not willing to support.

I am thinking more of a blog-drafting area to make things easier for the
poor old release engineer. The current approach requires trawling though
Jira and proposals, and I find it quite hard to distinguish and describe
incremental and major improvements well enough to select them for
marketing purposes (blog post). Many Jira records are terse. The current
practice requires all feature authors to be available at release time.

Perhaps an alternative practice would be to start drafting and reviewing
the release blog post two weeks before the release itself? This would
give more opportunity to gather contributions and improve the quality of
the blog post.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Jody Garnett

Rather than have to hunt for author and sponsor attribution at release time, wouldn't it be nice to have a one-liner including attribution supplied when a feature is added?

On 26/02/15 11:35, Jody Garnett wrote:

Often I write a draft post and invite people to review (but that does not
always work).

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:26 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@anonymised.com>

I am thinking more of a blog-drafting area to make things easier for the
poor old release engineer. The current approach requires trawling though
Jira and proposals, and I find it quite hard to distinguish and describe
incremental and major improvements well enough to select them for marketing
purposes (blog post). Many Jira records are terse. The current practice
requires all feature authors to be available at release time.

Perhaps an alternative practice would be to start drafting and reviewing
the release blog post two weeks before the release itself? This would give
more opportunity to gather contributions and improve the quality of the
blog post.

Yep, starting the release blog post for .0 releases two weeks earlier is
probably a good idea,
does not add overhead, but adds time for people to contribute.

Not sure about stable releases, we have one of those each month and they
contain bug fixes



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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