From our November 12 meeting, we had the following priorities:
GeoServer activities/risks for 2020:
- Make use of SAC hardware for maven repo (rather than webdav)
- OSGeo CITE Certification Sprint / Submission
- Continue with ogc-api RnD
- ogc-api features 1.0 final is available already (core)
- continued RnD: filter, query, transaction, …- Java 17 LTS comes out September 2021 … so not of interest!
Here is our request for 2019: $7000 (which was approved).
With this in mind I would like to make a request similar to last year:
- $2000 operational budget to support website/blog/build/repo
- $3000 ogcapi RnD / collaboration
- Note: If a OGC CITE certification sprint can be planned in 2020 we will do so with an appropriate request to the board as part of their code sprint program. We have some funds sponsored towards this activity already.
Here is what that looks like as a wiki page:
Jody Garnett