[Copied to the appropriate list as many there could answer this question]
you need to build GeoServer with -PallExtensions to get extensions, and -Prelease to get bundled release artifacts with the same names as a release (they will be in src/target/release):
You should also use -Papp-schema if you want to launch GeoServer with apps-schema from Eclipse with the embedded Jetty servlet container.
See here for app-schema development instructions:
If also building GeoTools from source, use -Dall to build all modules.
It is a bit complicated keeping GeoServer and GeoTools build scripts separate, so I don't.
I use a script that looks something like this:
mvn -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dtest.maxHeapSize=256m -Dall -PallExtensions -Poracle -Psqlserver -Papp-schema -Pwebservice -Prelease [your list of phases goes here]
Kind regards,
On 16/04/12 11:29, Brett Walker wrote:
Hi Ben,
I have just built the latest GeoServer on Windows from trunk successfully but I don’t find the App-Schema extensions.
How do I built the App-Schema extension?
If they are built automatically, where are the App-Schema extensions located?Need some guidance here.
Thanks for your help,
BrettBrett Walker<brett.walker@anonymised.com<mailto:brett.walker@anonymised.com>>
Software Developer / Analyst
Geometry Pty LtdTelephone 03 6223 1999
Mobile 0458 498 386
Fax 03 6223 1988
Web www.geometryit.com<http://www.geometryit.com/>
Address 31 Salamanca Square, Battery Point, TAS 7004, Australia
Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre