[Geoserver-devel] Geoserver CSW ISO Metadata Mapping


is it possible to map keywords from a named vocabulary in MD_Metadata.properties?

For example I assign a keyword “83221423-f7ff-471f-a898-1fff87905502” with vocabulary “uuid” to a layer.

In MD_Metadata.properties I can test with:

identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.alternateTitle.CharacterString=lapply(“keywords.vocabulary”, if_then_else(isNull(“.”), ‘has no vocabulary’, strConcat('has vocabulary ', “.”)))

This shows vocabulary name as alternateTitle

My goal ist to map the one keyword (83221423-f7ff-471f-a898-1fff87905502) with vocabulary uuid to alternateTitle (or any other target)

https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/services/csw/features.html#mapping-files lists some properties like:





But I only get cql parsing errors with keywords[0], keywords[uuid], keywords[‘uuid’] and so on.

What does ‘?’ in keywords[?] mean? How to filter keywords with a named vocabulary in cql / the mapping file?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Stefan Overkamp




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