[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer HTML ImageMap extension?

Has anyone yet implemented a GeoServer service that is capable of producing
HTML image maps?
The onlyhint on the web I found that mapbender seems to offer such a service
which translates GML to an HTML Image Map. However, mabpender talks PHP,
which I don't.

If no such service has yet been implemented, what would be the best way to
set it up?
Is it reasoable to realize it as a MapProducer, i.e. add a custom
GetMapProducerFactorySpi entry?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GeoServer-HTML-ImageMap-extension--tf4342893.html#a12371765
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

w2y4m ha scritto:

Has anyone yet implemented a GeoServer service that is capable of producing
HTML image maps?

Not as far as I know

The onlyhint on the web I found that mapbender seems to offer such a service
which translates GML to an HTML Image Map. However, mabpender talks PHP,
which I don't.

If no such service has yet been implemented, what would be the best way to
set it up?

Hum, probably as a WMS output format, a cross between SVGMapProducer
and the default raster output. From the former I would take the approach
to encode stuff directly in a text format (see SVGEncode.java), from the latter the code needed to compute a transformation (both scale and
eventually reprojection, see StreamingRenderer.java in GeoTools) and to
generalize polygons so that your image map does not get containing
houndreds of thousands of points (see Decimator.java, again in GeoTools).

Is it reasoable to realize it as a MapProducer, i.e. add a custom
GetMapProducerFactorySpi entry?

Yep, exactly what I was talking about (and remember to register the
factory into applicationcontext.xml or it won't be picked up).

Hope this helps

Hi w2y4m

This is something that I think would be an excellent plugin. We for example
have a wish for a HTML/JS country selector based on shape files with the
ability to do client "CSS hover-over" type effects (e.g. hover over UK and
it shows up in RED fill for example) at different zoom levels, as opposed to
getFeatureInfo requests.


-----Original Message-----
From: geoserver-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:geoserver-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Andrea
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 7:10 PM
To: w2y4m
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer HTML ImageMap extension?

w2y4m ha scritto:

Has anyone yet implemented a GeoServer service that is capable of


HTML image maps?

Not as far as I know

The onlyhint on the web I found that mapbender seems to offer such a


which translates GML to an HTML Image Map. However, mabpender talks PHP,
which I don't.

If no such service has yet been implemented, what would be the best way to
set it up?

Hum, probably as a WMS output format, a cross between SVGMapProducer
and the default raster output. From the former I would take the approach
to encode stuff directly in a text format (see SVGEncode.java), from the
latter the code needed to compute a transformation (both scale and
eventually reprojection, see StreamingRenderer.java in GeoTools) and to
generalize polygons so that your image map does not get containing
houndreds of thousands of points (see Decimator.java, again in GeoTools).

Is it reasoable to realize it as a MapProducer, i.e. add a custom
GetMapProducerFactorySpi entry?

Yep, exactly what I was talking about (and remember to register the
factory into applicationcontext.xml or it won't be picked up).

Hope this helps

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Tim Robertson ha scritto:

Hi w2y4m

This is something that I think would be an excellent plugin. We for example
have a wish for a HTML/JS country selector based on shape files with the
ability to do client "CSS hover-over" type effects (e.g. hover over UK and
it shows up in RED fill for example) at different zoom levels, as opposed to
getFeatureInfo requests.

Tim, if you happen to go at FOSS4G I suggest you follow Tim Schaub presentation about advances in OpenLayers. Recent OL versions (unreleased) can eat for GML and KML and present the result as interactive elements over your map. These can be used to interact
as you like, hovers included, thought I think some javascript wizardry
is still needed to achieve this.

Tim S., anything you may want to add?

We just started to develop an HTMLImageMap MapProducer. Maybe we can join our efforts if you are interested (we'd like to give back our MapProducer to the community as soon as it's quite complete).
Till now I tried to figure out how to correctly render an HTML ImageMap, with geometric an non geometric information: our main target is to use imagemaps as lightweight overlays to raster maps to get tooltips on map layers.

What I need as WMS output is something like this (just an example):

<map name="NamedPlaces">
    <area shape="poly" id="NamedPlaces.1107531895890" coords="29,-114 265,-114 265,40 -35,40 -35,6 29,-114" title="Ashton" alt="Ashton" />
    <area shape="poly" id="NamedPlaces.1107531895891" coords="-3,186 -3,143 83,143 83,186 -3,186" title="Goose Island" alt="Goose Island" />

I found out that:
- I cannot use StreamingRenderer on a customized Graphics2D, because using it I could only render geometries (Correct me if I am wrong).
- The KML MapProducer is a good place to learn. Our MapProducer is currently a mix of KML and SVG MapProducers.

Now some questions (to anyone willing to share ideas on the subject):
- I chose "text/html" as the mimetype for the MapProducer. Do you think it's correct? Is any other mimetype defined for HTML ImageMaps?
- I use TextSymbolizer (Label) to render the title and alt attributes (it's quite powerful, expecially using the geotools filter functions in SLD). I'd like, in a near future, to render additional textual attributes (href, onmouseover, etc.). What could be the clearest way to identify where to render a TextSymbolizer output (to which attribute). I thought to use different rules with special names identifying the attribute (something like <Rule><Name>onmouseover</Name>....). Do you think it's the right way to go?

Mauro Bartolomeoli

meinc wrote:

Has anyone yet implemented a GeoServer service that is capable of producing
HTML image maps?
The only hint on the web I found is that mapbender seems to offer such a
service, where GML is translated to an HTML Image Map. However, mabpender
talks PHP, which I don't.

If no such service has yet been implemented, what would be the best way to
set it up?
Is it reasoable to realize it as a MapProducer, i.e. add a custom
GetMapProducerFactorySpi entry?

Since I've absolutely no experience with geo coordinate transformations my
main problem is
how to translate the GML coordinates into the corresponding pixel. So my
first idea was to
look at the WMS image producers that somehow renders the pixels.

What I found so far was the use of

org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteShape2 within
which provides in its constructor the magic transformation, i.e.

Where may I found more information on how to transform the coordinates to


Hi Andrea,

in the meantime we developed such a plugin at the Fraunhofer Institute IITB
in the context of an environmental information system. Last Friday I got the
OK from
our management that I may give it back to the GeoServer community. How
would be the procedure to do so. Please can you give me some advice.

The plugin is based on GeoTools 2.3.4. The entire package sources, ant
build, eclipse project,
dependent libraries are about 9 MB zipped. The plugin itself just consists
of two class files.

The plugin is an extension of the WMS service where the format should take
the value
It then produces for the given layer the HTML image map contents,e.g.


<area shape="circ" coords="81,413,3" title="FB 30 ETZIBODEN, GOERWIHL" />
<area shape="circ" coords="30,406,3" title="QSS HERTINGERQU.1+2, KANDERN" />

So far only circles are supported.
We currently use it for up to 3000 points and it performs quite good.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GeoServer-HTML-ImageMap-extension--tf4342893.html#a13233787
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

As I wrote in a previous message we also realized a similar plugin, but we took a different approach, developing a new GetMapProducer (bound to the text/html mime type).
The plugin is almost complete (it supports points, areas, linestring and collections too).
If you're interested (I mean: "the GeoServer community is interested") we can contribute the plugin/module (it's actually for GeoServer 1.5.3, I don't know if it's good also for GeoServer 1.6 or it needs rewriting).
What is the best way to send our contribution?

Mauro Bartolomeoli

meinc wrote:

Hi Andrea,

in the meantime we developed such a plugin at the Fraunhofer Institute IITB
in the context of an environmental information system. Last Friday I got the
OK from
our management that I may give it back to the GeoServer community. How
would be the procedure to do so. Please can you give me some advice.

The plugin is based on GeoTools 2.3.4. The entire package sources, ant
build, eclipse project,
dependent libraries are about 9 MB zipped. The plugin itself just consists
of two class files.

The plugin is an extension of the WMS service where the format should take
the value
It then produces for the given layer the HTML image map contents,e.g.


<area shape="circ" coords="81,413,3" title="FB 30 ETZIBODEN, GOERWIHL" />
<area shape="circ" coords="30,406,3" title="QSS HERTINGERQU.1+2, KANDERN" />

So far only circles are supported.
We currently use it for up to 3000 points and it performs quite good.


Mauro Bartolomeoli ha scritto:

As I wrote in a previous message we also realized a similar plugin, but we took a different approach, developing a new GetMapProducer (bound to the text/html mime type).
The plugin is almost complete (it supports points, areas, linestring and collections too).
If you're interested (I mean: "the GeoServer community is interested") we can contribute the plugin/module (it's actually for GeoServer 1.5.3, I don't know if it's good also for GeoServer 1.6 or it needs rewriting).
What is the best way to send our contribution?

In both cases the best way would be to setup a community module: we give
you access to svn and you commit the module in GeoServer.
Ideally it would be nice to have just one that covers both use cases.

What do you think?

Andrea Aime wrote:

Mauro Bartolomeoli ha scritto:

As I wrote in a previous message we also realized a similar plugin, but we took a different approach, developing a new GetMapProducer (bound to the text/html mime type).
The plugin is almost complete (it supports points, areas, linestring and collections too).
If you're interested (I mean: "the GeoServer community is interested") we can contribute the plugin/module (it's actually for GeoServer 1.5.3, I don't know if it's good also for GeoServer 1.6 or it needs rewriting).
What is the best way to send our contribution?

In both cases the best way would be to setup a community module: we give
you access to svn and you commit the module in GeoServer.
Ideally it would be nice to have just one that covers both use cases.

What do you think?

I agree. I'm not sure how to join our distinct efforts. Maybe we need some advice by the community on the most useful approach.
Also, I'm quite new to GeoTools/GeoServer programming so we surely need some review on the code by some expert.

I include some documentation on our plugin at the bottom of the message, so that you can decide what is good and what is bad and maybe produce a single unified plugin.

Here is the documentation (any suggestion is appreciated):

HTMLImageMap GetMapProducer 1.0 for GeoServer 1.5.x


The HTMLImageMap GetMapProducer adds support for an additional output format for
WMS GetMap requests. The new format is associated to the "text/html" mime type
and produces an HTML 4.0 image map as defined by W3C.

Image Maps can be used to cut images in several areas. Each area can have a link,
title or alt attribute.
Request Example.
Output Example.
<map name="states">
    <area shape="poly" id="states.1.0" coords="360,120 358,121 357,121 357,122
357,123 357,124 356,124 355,124 354,123 352,123 351,124 351,125 350,124 350,125
349,125 349,124 348,123 348,122 348,121 348,120 348,118 347,118 346,117 345,116
344,116 343,115 342,114 341,113 341,112 341,111 341,110 342,110 342,109 343,108
342,107 340,106 339,107 338,107 338,105 338,104 337,103 336,102 336,102 335,101
333,100 332,99 332,98 331,97 331,96 331,95 331,94 331,93 332,91 332,90 333,90 334,90
334,89 335,88 336,86 335,85 334,84 335,83 336,82 336,82 338,82 339,82 340,81 341,81
341,80 342,79 342,78 342,77 342,76 341,75 340,74 340,73 339,73 338,72 340,72 344,72
349,72 353,72 354,72 358,72 359,72 363,72 362,74 363,75 364,76 364,78 365,80 365,82
365,84 365,85 365,86 365,89 365,91 365,95 365,97 365,100 365,101 365,102 364,103
364,104 364,105 365,106 365,107 365,108 365,109 364,110 364,110 363,111 363,112
362,113 361,113 362,114 361,115 361,116 360,117 360,118 360,119 360,120" title="IL"/>

Each single feature is rendered as one or more area tag. More than one area tag is
used if the geometry is not compatible with imagemaps constraints, and a split in
more simple geometries is needed.

An ID attribute is generated for each area tag. The ID is made up of two parts:
<featureId>.<sequence>, where <featureId> is the id of the feature containing the
geometry rendered in the tag. Sequence is a sequential number (0,1,2, ...) appended
to the id distinguishing different simple geometries in which the feature could have
been splitted.

Usage Example.
<img src="..." usemap="#states"/>

A little bit of styling is supported through SLD symbolizers. In particular:
- TextSymbolizers are used to append attributes to the area tags. You can define a
Label, whose output will be rendered as an attribute value. By default, the
attribute name is "title" (this permits to define tooltips). You can define several
custom attributes, using different rules, the rule name will be used as attribute
name (eg.
<Rule>...<Name>href</Name>...<TextSymbolizer>...</TextSymbolizer>...</Rule> defines
an href attribute, binding links to the rendered areas).
- LineSymbolizers stroke-width parameter is used to define a buffer along
linestrings (defaults to 2px if not defined).
- PointSymbolizers Size is used to define circle radius for rendered points
(currently only Marks with a WellKnownName of "circle" are

1) Point with a label attached as title attribute ("ADDRESS: <...>"). The point is
rendered as 6px radius circle.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld&quot; xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;
     xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink&quot; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&quot;&gt;
        <Name>Default Styler</Name>
        <Title>Default Styler</Title>
                                <CssParameter name="stroke">#0000ff</CssParameter>
                        <Function name="strConcat">
                            <Literal>ADDRESS: </Literal>

2) LineStrings rendered with a buffer of 4px.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"
    xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld&quot; xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;
        <Name>Default Styler</Name>
        <Title>Default Styler</Title>
                <Title>Roads</Title> <LineSymbolizer>
                    <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">

3) GeometryCollection where LineStrings are rendered with a buffer of 4px,
points as circles with 6px radius, any geometry has an attribute href whose
value is given by the DESCRIPTION feature attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"
    xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld&quot; xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;
        <Name>Default Styler</Name>
        <Title>Default Styler</Title>
                <Title>all</Title> <LineSymbolizer>
                    <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">
                                <CssParameter name="stroke">#0000ff</CssParameter>

Mauro Bartolomeoli ha scritto:

Andrea Aime wrote:

Mauro Bartolomeoli ha scritto:

As I wrote in a previous message we also realized a similar plugin, but we took a different approach, developing a new GetMapProducer (bound to the text/html mime type).
The plugin is almost complete (it supports points, areas, linestring and collections too).
If you're interested (I mean: "the GeoServer community is interested") we can contribute the plugin/module (it's actually for GeoServer 1.5.3, I don't know if it's good also for GeoServer 1.6 or it needs rewriting).
What is the best way to send our contribution?

In both cases the best way would be to setup a community module: we give
you access to svn and you commit the module in GeoServer.
Ideally it would be nice to have just one that covers both use cases.

What do you think?

I agree. I'm not sure how to join our distinct efforts. Maybe we need some advice by the community on the most useful approach.

All in all your approach seems more complete, so it may make sense
to try to add

Also, I'm quite new to GeoTools/GeoServer programming so we surely need some review on the code by some expert.

I include some documentation on our plugin at the bottom of the message, so that you can decide what is good and what is bad and maybe produce a single unified plugin.

Here is the documentation (any suggestion is appreciated):

HTMLImageMap GetMapProducer 1.0 for GeoServer 1.5.x


The HTMLImageMap GetMapProducer adds support for an additional output format for
WMS GetMap requests. The new format is associated to the "text/html" mime type
and produces an HTML 4.0 image map as defined by W3C.

I looked around, could not find an official "imagemap" mime type...
given that imagemaps are in fact part of html, it seems it makes
sense to have them be "text/html".
So it means you're producing a full blown html page right?
Do you present it to the user as is, or do some javascript wizardry
to merge it with another html page?

Image Maps can be used to cut images in several areas. Each area can have a link,
title or alt attribute.

Request Example.


Output Example.
<map name="states">
   <area shape="poly" id="states.1.0" coords="360,120 358,121 357,121 357,122
357,123 357,124 356,124 355,124 354,123 352,123 351,124 351,125 350,124 350,125
349,125 349,124 348,123 348,122 348,121 348,120 348,118 347,118 346,117 345,116
344,116 343,115 342,114 341,113 341,112 341,111 341,110 342,110 342,109 343,108
342,107 340,106 339,107 338,107 338,105 338,104 337,103 336,102 336,102 335,101
333,100 332,99 332,98 331,97 331,96 331,95 331,94 331,93 332,91 332,90 333,90 334,90
334,89 335,88 336,86 335,85 334,84 335,83 336,82 336,82 338,82 339,82 340,81 341,81
341,80 342,79 342,78 342,77 342,76 341,75 340,74 340,73 339,73 338,72 340,72 344,72
349,72 353,72 354,72 358,72 359,72 363,72 362,74 363,75 364,76 364,78 365,80 365,82
365,84 365,85 365,86 365,89 365,91 365,95 365,97 365,100 365,101 365,102 364,103
364,104 364,105 365,106 365,107 365,108 365,109 364,110 364,110 363,111 363,112
362,113 361,113 362,114 361,115 361,116 360,117 360,118 360,119 360,120" title="IL"/>

Each single feature is rendered as one or more area tag. More than one area tag is
used if the geometry is not compatible with imagemaps constraints, and a split in
more simple geometries is needed.

Good. A possible improvement would be to generalize the geometries even further to reduce the size of the image map (just an idea).

An ID attribute is generated for each area tag. The ID is made up of two parts:
<featureId>.<sequence>, where <featureId> is the id of the feature containing the
geometry rendered in the tag. Sequence is a sequential number (0,1,2, ...) appended
to the id distinguishing different simple geometries in which the feature could have
been splitted.

Usage Example.
<img src="..." usemap="#states"/>

A little bit of styling is supported through SLD symbolizers. In particular:
- TextSymbolizers are used to append attributes to the area tags. You can define a
Label, whose output will be rendered as an attribute value. By default, the
attribute name is "title" (this permits to define tooltips). You can define several
custom attributes, using different rules, the rule name will be used as attribute
name (eg.
<Rule>...<Name>href</Name>...<TextSymbolizer>...</TextSymbolizer>...</Rule> defines
an href attribute, binding links to the rendered areas).


- LineSymbolizers stroke-width parameter is used to define a buffer along
linestrings (defaults to 2px if not defined).
- PointSymbolizers Size is used to define circle radius for rendered points
(currently only Marks with a WellKnownName of "circle" are

So this covers the case Robert was talking about already?

It seems quite full featured and well integrated in the way GeoServer does things. Can I have a look at the code? Anyways, I will try to
get you commit access... once this is in svn Robert can have a look
at it as well and see if his use case is properly covered, compare
the performance and see if it's up to his requirements and so on.


So this covers the case Robert was talking about already?

It seems quite full featured and well integrated in the way GeoServer
does things. Can I have a look at the code? Anyways, I will try to
get you commit access... once this is in svn Robert can have a look
at it as well and see if his use case is properly covered, compare
the performance and see if it's up to his requirements and so on.

It really seems to cover our use case and I'm curious to see it work.
If you are still interested to see our code I'm prepared to provide it
(source only, full, whatever makes sense) just let me know if and how.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GeoServer-HTML-ImageMap-extension--tf4342893.html#a13254831
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

I just uploaded a zip file with the source as a Jira issue (you can find the link in a previous message).
I’m surely interested to see your code and merging anything useful or wrong in my plugin. Maybe you can attach your code to the same Jira issue, so the community can look at both our efforts.

Mauro Bartolomeoli

meinc wrote:

So this covers the case Robert was talking about already?

It seems quite full featured and well integrated in the way GeoServer 
does things. Can I have a look at the code? Anyways, I will try to
get you commit access... once this is in svn Robert can have a look
at it as well and see if his use case is properly covered, compare
the performance and see if it's up to his requirements and so on.

It really seems to cover our use case and I'm curious to see it work.
If you are still interested to see our code I'm prepared to provide it
(source only, full, whatever makes sense) just let me know if and how.


I just uploaded a zip file with the source as a Jira issue (you can find
the link in a previous message).
I'm surely interested to see your code and merging anything useful or
wrong in my plugin. Maybe you can attach your code to the same Jira
issue, so the community can look at both our efforts.

just did so.
Robert Saenger
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/GeoServer-HTML-ImageMap-extension--tf4342893.html#a13272233
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Thanks, I’ll take a look at it as soon as possible.

meinc wrote:

I just uploaded a zip file with the source as a Jira issue (you can find 
the link in a previous message).
I'm surely interested to see your code and merging anything useful or 
wrong in my plugin. Maybe you can attach your code to the same Jira 
issue, so the community can look at both our efforts.

just did so.
Robert Saenger