WMS CITE test results
We're passing 90 tests - and failing only one (98.9%). The issue has to
do with SRS support, which is hopefully going to be greatly improved in
the next week or so!
The WMS tests seem to be fairly simple. I noticed there could be a few
rendering issues - the tests dont actually test this!
I also tested it using the ACE-GIS test suite. It had two issues:
* The same SRS issue that CITE failed with
* Some other test seems to fail, but the only request it makes to
the server is GetCapabilities, so I'm guessing this is an
ACE-GIS bug. ACE-GIS just seems to hang...
I made a bunch of changes in order for the test to work. Here's a short
list of the more interesting changes:
I added in a new GIF image writer - it doesnt have the GIF bug I
reported earlier in the week.
I added support for the FEATURE_COUNT parameter for GetFeatureInfo.
I changed how the text/plain GetFeatureInfo writes out its data.
I changed the JAI writer - it now only supports PNG and JPEG. The other
formats were broken. Geoserver currently support PNG, JPEG, GIF, and
I changed some of the WMS GetCapabilities response - it was lying about
what it supported.
I changed some of the handling of invalid Bounding Boxes.
I've also updated Geoserver to the latest geotools - this caused a bunch
of minor changes as well (Factory API changed).
So, in summary, Geoserver WMS support is getting much better!
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