[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer PSC Meeting 2024-08-27

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2024-08-27### Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Kevin Smith

  • David Blasby

  • Jody Garnett

  • Gabriel Roldan

  • Emmanuel Belo

  • Andrea Aime

  • Peter Smythe

Actions from prior meetings:- Volunteer for 2.26-RC

Agenda- Jenkins Java Runtime: 11 → 17?

  • Spring 5 to 6 upgrade crowdfunding?

  • Wicket 9 Upgrade (PR) + GSModalDialog + WPS Builder

  • Security chit chat

  • jts 1.20.0 update

  • digital public goods registration

  • release candidate planning

Actions- Torben: Jenkins Java upgrade to OpenJDK 17, after release

  • Emmanuel: start a crowdsourcing doc with emmanuel in time for foss4gna

  • Peter: Research who is using GeoServer for crowdsource funding contacts

  • David: save wicket dialog work on a branch

  • Jody: start wicket9 shared branch / milestone

  • Peter: 2.26.0 release on the 18th, Jody can shadow to help create new branches

Jenkins Java Runtime: 11 → 17?

Oracle Java 11 EOL → which means Jenkins is unhappy with us :slight_smile:

We can still install other JDKs for jobs (i.e. Java 11), but if any jobs are using the “default” they may run into problems.

  • action: Torben: schedule for end of september (after release cycle)

Spring 5 to 6 upgrade crowdfunding?


  • updated OSGeo sponsorship story with board

  • update geoserver sponsorship story to match

  • We have a new $3k/year sponsor Route4Me

  • website updated, but no direct thanks

  • Also How2Map - is going step back as sponsor $500/year (jody shutting it down)

  • Donations have been appreciated!

  • Peter Rushforth, Marco Lucarelli, Gabriel Roldan, Jody Garnett, Manuel Timita, Andrea Aime.

But this falls short on our spring-framework-6 roadmap goal …

Open Questions, re crowdfunding:

  • who would like to be associated with it?

  • who would need funding to cover the work

  • workload ? 120 - 240 people-days !? with preparation work: 240 - 360!?

  • timeline

  • GS sprint at Camptocamp France on Sept 26th onward

Previous experience:

  • geotools api change → $15k osgeo only (out of 25k goal)

  • wicket update → $5k , $15k in-kind (travel / venue people)

List of persons/organizations using it?

  • we do not have this visibility so much…

  • service providers have customers …


  • focus on this specific challenge - spring-framework-6 update

  • communicate that it is not a small challenge; think $230k (not $25k)

  • this is different from ongoing sponsorship / maintenance

  • how to communicate to decisions makers

  • tomcat 9 would be phased? Is that too technical …

  • spring-framework-5 reaches EOL → $$$/instance for commercial support via VMware …

  • list some technologies that are being phased out

  • Message for decision makers “GeoServer is based on Java 11, Spring 5 and typically deploys on Tomcat 9. All these technologies are going to be phased out (EOL) soon, and we need funding to upgrade to newer versions that have a longer support time. This upgrade is technically complex and requires a significant amount of labor, so we are asking for funds to support it.

  • What happens if we don’t do this?

  • emmanuel to draft a crowdsourcing post for social media post

  • how we would use the money?

  • The roadmap has phase I, phase II, phase III

  • Funding targets:

  • 50k

  • 120k

  • 230k

  • how to organize direct / allocate funds - what we have tried?

  • code sprints (example wicket 7, java11)

  • code sprint with cost recovery model (ie helping cover costs for employee to attend) (opengis sprint)

  • service provider proposal for small contact (log4 update or replace)

  • other model (used successful by camptocamp)

  • divide up funds based on work done (metric like tasks done)

  • goal: we wish to retain the knowledge in the community

  • we have had some mixed experience with sprint participants previously

  • aside: we have some new developers already taking part

  • example andreas working on spring-security-update

  • ask companies / people to express interest upfront - who is available?

  • testing will be a big amount of this work


  • draft a crowdfunding call out … in time foss4gna

  • action: Emmanuel: start a crowdsourcing doc with emmanuel in time for foss4gna

  • promote on linkedin?

  • pay linked in to promote it … maybe?

Here in this meeting:

  • Q: Do we agree to do this?

  • We may need to check with biz folks … set up a follow meeting

  • Q: Follow up meeting

  • To establish call out document

  • Sort out model for funding development, what to achieve at each level, etc…

Q: Who uses GeoServer

  • Peter: Research who is using GeoServer for crowdsource funding contacts

aside: camptocamp doing an geoserver sprint to onboard their employees

  • september 26th could invite others, …

  • may be a bit close to 2.26.0 update

How does the roadmap phases work:

  • what can be worked now

  • see recent blog post on the topic on what can be worked on now

  • spring-security OIDC plugin (net new replacement)

  • wicket-9

  • Image-N - too technical but valuable

  • everything else has to be done in big-bang

  • tomcat10, spring-framework-6, java 17, jakarta, wicket-10, etc …

  • 2 weeks and 10 people is the ideal …

  • 3 weeks and 6 people

Wicket 9 Upgrade (PR) + GSModalDialog + WPS Builder

PR (in process): https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/7154

Test plan results: Wicket Test Plan

Most of the Wicket 9 Upgrade is working - most of the work done by Brad Hards. Biggest problem is Wicket’s ModalWindow, which is not compatible with CSP, deprecated in Wicket 9, removed in Wicket 10.

Replacement is Wicket ModalDialog, but is very low-functionality.

David has created a new GSModalDialog (Backed by new Wicket ModalDialog), with most of the functionality of ModalWindow.

Its been difficult to transition some of the current GS dialogs because of the low-functionality of the Wicket ModalDialog (note: GSModalDialog only allows one pop-up at a time).

I’ve also fixed some bugs in the current GS Wicket UX (i.e. in the SRS chooser).
For WPS Builder, the “Submodule” input isn’t working on 2.25.3 (Andrea reports it’s been broken for years) - suggest to replace it with a simple text box (no popups).

See the PR for some videos on functionality and issues.

Would like to have a small group of people to make decisions (i.e. “submodule”):

  • David Blasby

  • JG?

  • AA?

  • ??

Also, requires testing (functionality, look, other themes, CSP issues, extension/community modules):

  • ??

  • ??

When merge/release (i.e. for public eval)?

how to cut scope:

How to enable people to help?

  • Make a milestone from the branch

  • Provide instructions to run the milestone from Docker on port 8081

  • Run docker 2.25.3 on port 8080

  • Compare screen by screen, side b sidey what works

  • Make a note in the spreadsheet: : Wicket Test Plan

  • help button not showing up

  • dialog not opening

  • bonus: CSS warnings indicate suppress functionality


  1. take brad fork wicket9 → shared wicket9 branch

  2. relax dialog deprecated thing

  3. relax CSP restrictions

  4. make a milestone release → results in a docker image

  5. extensions can be tested this
    cf. bottom of https://geoserver.org/release/stable/

  6. community modules cannot be tested this way by default?
    fix: manually publish community modules for the milestone …

  7. ask for help (as above)


  • David: save wicket dialog work on a branch

  • Jody: start wicket9 shared branch / milestone

Security chit chat- hidden

jts 1.20.0 update


Can make the release this week, announce Sep 4th

PR is clean: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/4884

digital public goods registration


Registering GeoServer there makes it easier to use in the UN context. GeoSolutions has been contacted and can handle the registration process, just needs a “yes” from the PSC.

Jody: Yes that would be great.

Send email to the list for public record…

release candidate planning

is volunteering still needed?

RC used to stabilize assembly process;

  • however assembly is covered by workflow

  • we have not much feedback from community

Q: Can we skip RC and just have release on the 18th?

  • Yes I guess we can …

  • Peter: Volunteer for 2.26.0 release on the 18th, Jody can shadow to help create new branches

chti-chat- app-schema PR for PostGIS? https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/4841

  • it makes things better :slight_smile: And a workflow can now run …

  • it is large (gathering a script from out of m2 repo)

  • asked nuno …

  • discussion on handling extensive tests?

  • can we have a “-Ponline” for engage in extensive tests? Good idea …

  • See example in Elasticsearch datastore