[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer PSC Meeting notes, May 21 2024

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2024-05-21### Attending- David Blasby

  • Peter Smythe

  • Jody Garnett

  • Jukka Rahkonen

Actions from prior meeting:

  • [DONE] Jody: Make a ticket about GROUP_ADMIN not having permission to create a new user (GEOS-10938)

  • [DONE] Jody: Make a ticket on clean up of admin roles and constants (GEOS-11389)

  • [DONE] Jody: Open a ticket to refine Demo Page Javascript rewrite (GEOS-11390)


  • repo.osgeo.org maintenance

  • build status

  • Why do checks fail, what is the process to handle failures?

  • Dependabot https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/7637 process?

  • release status

  • discourse migration

  • Clean up old branches, keeping 2.2.x, ones with open PRs?

  • TestWFSPost servlet removal (replace w/ 100% JS). Demo Request, WCS Request, WPS Request

  • mkdocs

repo.osgeo.org maintenance

Upgrade Nexus to v3.68.1 for CVE-2024-4956:

build status

Q: Why do checks fail, what is the process to handle failures?

  • Jody broke last week (did not run -DQA checks when backporting using cherry-pick)

  • Had to close and open backports to “rebase” effectively

  • Checks that are needed across projects (geotools api change; that needed a geoserver

  • For intermittent failures

  • Quick: rerun failed test …

  • Why: Each example needs investigation

  • windows locked file is a common failure with older file system?

  • Perhaps some state changed (environmental variable) that affects another test…

  • Perhaps opening a port → randomise the port used (minimise error)

Thanks Andrea for fixing build (twice) recently.

About backports:

Dependabot https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/7637 process?

release status

Delayed: Waiting on PR reviews and build stability


discourse migration

This is ready to move

  • Marketing committee made the change, can see their instructions

  • We need similar instructions in our docs, and then inform the user-list

Clean up old branches, keeping 2.y.x, ones with open PRs?

In general we keep in case people need an emergency patch

  • We can see examples where release are made for archived releases

Stale PRs get removed, with the idea that the branch is there if anyone wishes to recover the work. So deleting the branch may not be kind?

Stale working branches?

  • Developers should remove when activity is complete

  • It would be nice to clean these up, I do not know of anything automatic

  • Ones with “stale” PRs may be worth keeping?

  • Some from big refactors are useful to keep (example refactor code sprint)
    Perhaps these could be placed in to a folder?

TestWFSPost servlet removal (replace w/ 100% JS). Demo Request, WCS Request, WPS Request

Positive response, nice work David.

Peter had feedback on workflow and button order consistency between Demo Request page, WPS Builder, WCS Builder.