[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer PSC meeting notes, Nov 25th 2022

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2022-10-11Attending


   Torben Barsballe

   Jukka Rahkonnen

   Andrea Aime

   Kevin Smith

   Jody Garnett

Actions from prior meetings:


   2.22-RC: jody -> geotools; kevin -> geowebcache; geoserver -> TBD [DONE]

   Jody report GWC settings.xml test appender not working as a ticket [TODO]



   Releases status

   Java 11 switch

   Fedgeo/FOSS4G Nashville




   Ask for 2.22.0 Release Volunteer on List

   Send email to geowebcache-devel about Java 11 switch

   Jody: turn GeoTools Java 11 discussion into a proposal

Releases status

2.22-RC is out last friday:


   folks are already testing

   No real blockers; the milestone release did its job

   relebase.rb mostly worked?!



   nothing much surprising

   geowebcache 1.21.x branch was a mess; so lots of little clean up commits

   relebase.rb mostly worked?!

   windows installer is not kicked off; but when run from azure it works

      Juan changed where it uploads to… job execution archives instead of
      the job workspace


      Some kind of azure token is needed on the build server




   November stable release

   What are we comfortable backporting?

      new feature: Column descriptions -> schema annotations? Best wait for
      2.22.0 to be out according to Andrea


      fix (large): Gabe has a concurrence fix
      <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/6297&gt;? Services were the
      last non-concurrent data structure


      geoserver.css: staying on main

         it could go to main; not going to backport needed

   Personal feedback

      the contact information “welcome” needs more room (text area not text

      the 2 column layout for workspace is a mess

   Do we have a volunteer?

      November 18th target date …

      ask list for volunteer; blog post mostly in place, hardest part is
      listing folks who helped test



CQL2 is not ready yet holding up ogcapi-features:


   parameters for filter and filter-lang all written for cql2

Java 11 switch



   Geoserver docs are merged :slight_smile:

   Jenkins build jobs?

   github workflows …

   maven builds are last … errorprone8 etc…



   Should update; same reasons as GeoServer
   (end-of-life for enterprise edition components)

   action: send email to geowebcache-devel



   Email discussion but no motion …

      action: Jody turn discussion into a proposal

   H2GIS contribution held up by Java 8 builds (cannot build on Java 8)

Fedgeo/FOSS4G Nashville

Something is happening in north america (thanks Eddie / Randal)


   FedGeoDay Nov 3 - geoserver workshop

   Nashvillle - Nov 30 - Dec 2 - state of GeoServer 2.22

Andrea presenting / workshopping / thanks :slight_smile:



   Relaxing ReTyping stuff to mean “covers”...

      ReTyping was just about suffling order of attributes; selecting less
      of them, …

      Change proposed is to just check attribute name and java binding and
      let-it-rip :slight_smile:

   The “covers” relationship proposed - match attribute name and java

      what about matching attribute name and use converters?

      Option: Query Hint to enable this?

   Check with Roar about his needs; is he just using
   ReTypingFeatureCollection or Iterator or something …

      Is this stuff a good idea?

      minimal: set an enum to enable “strict”, “covers” or “convert”



   Oracle remarks to column description to attribute type descriptors

   Connection for oracle has a flag to enable remarks

      CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REPORT_REMARKS: If the value of this property is
      "true", OracleDatabaseMetaData will include remarks in the meta data.

   PostGIS metadata includes comments all the time



   https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-10722 WFS geopackage output
   extension failing to encode MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY

   how did it get an SDO_GEOMETRY?

   Stay tuned …