[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer PSC meeting notes, Sept 26th 2023

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-09-26Attending


   Torben Barsballe

   Jody Garnett

   Jukka Rahkonnen

   Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meetings:


   action: Discuss with Alexandre Gacon on the geoserver-devel list about
   translation (done)

   action: Ask on the geoserver-devel list for assistance setting up new
   branches and jobs (done)



   GeoServer 2.24-RC / GeoTools 30-RC

   GSIP 220 - Revised Security Policy and CVE handling



GeoServer 2.24-RC / GeoTools 30-RC

GeoTools 30-RC:


   thanks to downstream projects you are excellent




   twitter (aaime)

   mastodon (jody)

   linkedin (jody)

Community modules:


   script worked well :slight_smile: added instructions for next time

   consider updating script to block out community module tickets from the
   main list

   action: gabe did not have docs for geoserver-acl

   action: GPL license is not included

   GEOS-11134 - GeoServer 2.24-RC packaging feedback

When do we wish to make the release?


   two weeks → October 10th?

Docker image with ogcapi features

docker run -it -p8080:8080 --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true --env

COMMUNITY_EXTENSIONS="ogcapi-features" docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.24.x

Welcome to GeoServer 2.24-RC

Initialize /opt/geoserver_data/ from data directory included in

Starting download of extensions

URL does not exist: /geoserver-2.24-RC-ogcapi-features-plugin.zip

Finished download of extensions

Starting installation of extensions

Finished installation of extensions



   2.24.x should pull from nightly server

   stable should pull from source forge

   it got confused checking 2.24-RC and thinks it is a “snapshot”



Jody fails bash if/else check:



GSIP 220 - Revised Security Policy and CVE handling

The experiment with creating a CVE number has helped communication with
national CVE Numbering Authority, they recommend our policy is clearly a
“Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” (since we disclose when patch is
ready on stable and maintenance).


   Be clear we can provide CVE number

   Be clear we time our announcements in SECURITY.md file



   jody: update security.md file with “Coordinated Vulnerability
   Disclosure” heading

   aaime: credit steve on jai-ext jiffle vulnerability? it was already one

Steve wished credit on https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-59x6-g4jr-4hxc


   this was externally reported so we do not have direct control

   jody did a pull request, perhaps steve can do the same?

   jody also asked MITRE three times to update the original (

aside: Credit Steve on:




Update prior security vulnerability sections:


   publish the new CVE number
   update security vulnerability sections with CVE number

   h2 no longer included; not really a vulnerability as no known exploit.
   but we can make a heading for it.

Chit chat

Roadmap - Java 11 becomes EOL in 2024?


   Can we just run with Java 17 and Tomcat 9? I think so …

   Compiling for Java 17? JAI → ImageN?

      We have the code, but *no* test cases were provided (and no native

      This is clean-room code so we need to write out own test-cases

      https://github.com/eclipse/imagen :slight_smile:

Tomcat 10:


   someone had success with automatic conversion on the email list? Huh?
   How …

      uses bytecode on the fly hacking …

      “successful” in startup, but I would not trust in production, ..



   requires Java 17 because of spring6, then need to do everything at once,



TOO MUCH to do in one go? can we split it up …


   Phase 1

      Wicket 7 → Wicket 9

      JAI → ImageN

      spring-security-oauth modules

   Phase 2

      Java 17 minimum

   Phase 3





   Jukka: blog post about this :slight_smile:

Jukka and Andrea:

I updated the https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Jakarta-EE page based on the ideas brought up in today’s meeting.

I think it is great emphasis to have for next year (prior to Java 11 reaching end-of-life).

I did notice that different distributors have different dates for java 11 service:

  • Oracle: 2023-09-30 ← this is soon :slight_smile:
  • OpenJDK: 2023-09-30
  • RedHat: 2024-10
  • Adoptium: 2024-10 (the one we follow)
  • Microsoft: 2024-10

With commercial support being available longer.


Jody Garnett

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-09-26### Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Jody Garnett

  • Jukka Rahkonnen

  • Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meetings:- action: Discuss with Alexandre Gacon on the geoserver-devel list about translation (done)

  • action: Ask on the geoserver-devel list for assistance setting up new branches and jobs (done)

Agenda- GeoServer 2.24-RC / GeoTools 30-RC

  • GSIP 220 - Revised Security Policy and CVE handling


GeoServer 2.24-RC / GeoTools 30-RC

GeoTools 30-RC:

  • thanks to downstream projects you are excellent



  • twitter (aaime)

  • mastodon (jody)

  • linkedin (jody)

Community modules:

  • script worked well :slight_smile: added instructions for next time

  • consider updating script to block out community module tickets from the main list

  • action: gabe did not have docs for geoserver-acl

  • action: GPL license is not included

  • GEOS-11134 - GeoServer 2.24-RC packaging feedback

When do we wish to make the release?

  • two weeks → October 10th?

Docker image with ogcapi features

docker run -it -p8080:8080 --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true --env COMMUNITY_EXTENSIONS=“ogcapi-features” docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.24.x

Welcome to GeoServer 2.24-RC

Initialize /opt/geoserver_data/ from data directory included in geoserver.war

Starting download of extensions

URL does not exist: /geoserver-2.24-RC-ogcapi-features-plugin.zip

Finished download of extensions

Starting installation of extensions

Finished installation of extensions


  • 2.24.x should pull from nightly server

  • stable should pull from source forge

  • it got confused checking 2.24-RC and thinks it is a “snapshot”



Jody fails bash if/else check:

GSIP 220 - Revised Security Policy and CVE handling

The experiment with creating a CVE number has helped communication with national CVE Numbering Authority, they recommend our policy is clearly a “Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” (since we disclose when patch is ready on stable and maintenance).

  • Be clear we can provide CVE number

  • Be clear we time our announcements in SECURITY.md file


  • jody: update security.md file with “Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure” heading

  • aaime: credit steve on jai-ext jiffle vulnerability? it was already one …

Steve wished credit on https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-59x6-g4jr-4hxc

aside: Credit Steve on:

  • GHSA-59x6-g4jr-4hxc

  • GHSA-fh7p-5f6g-vj2w

Update prior security vulnerability sections:

Chit chat

Roadmap - Java 11 becomes EOL in 2024?

  • Can we just run with Java 17 and Tomcat 9? I think so …

  • Compiling for Java 17? JAI → ImageN?

  • We have the code, but no test cases were provided (and no native code)

  • This is clean-room code so we need to write out own test-cases

  • https://github.com/eclipse/imagen :slight_smile:

Tomcat 10:

  • someone had success with automatic conversion on the email list? Huh? How …

  • uses bytecode on the fly hacking …

  • “successful” in startup, but I would not trust in production, …


TOO MUCH to do in one go? can we split it up …

  • Phase 1

  • Wicket 7 → Wicket 9

  • JAI → ImageN

  • spring-security-oauth modules

  • Phase 2

  • Java 17 minimum

  • Phase 3

  • JakartaEE

  • spring-framework?


  • Jukka: blog post about this :slight_smile: