[Geoserver-devel] Geoserver security setup

I’m trying to add a new REST-style API endpoint at /mapml - this endpoint would take a layerName and output the corresponding MapML. So far I’ve got something like this:

@RequestMapping(path = "/mapml")
public class MapMLController {

    GeoServer geoServer;
    @RequestMapping(value = "", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST})
    public Mapml mapML(String layer) {
        LayerInfo layerInfo = geoServer.getCatalog().getLayer(layer);
	// .. do stuff with the layerInfo

The problem is that the result of the user() call in the secure proxy to the catalog is coming back with null instead of a anonymous user - I’m guessing I need to put some Spring XML config in place to enable the security filters to run on my new URL? Can anyone point me in the right direction please?



Chris Hodgson
Refractions Research
Suite 419 – 1207 Douglas Street
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada, V8W 2E7