[Geoserver-devel] Geoserver start URL matches wrong security filter chain

This is a nasty bug and can be fixed easily, but I want to discuss it to avoid generating side effects.

The URL(s) we are talking about are


The security web filter chain has the following ant patterns


The default filter chain matching all kinds of OGC services has the following ant pattern


The above URLs match the default filter chain and a redirect to http://…/geoserver/web happens. This constellations causes strange behavior. A very simple example:

Activate SSL only on the default filter chain but NOT on the WEB filter chain.

http://…/geoserver becomes to https://…/geoserver/web switching from http to https. This should not happen.

Another example:

Remove the anonymous filter from the default filter chain
http://…/geoserver/web will use form based login, but http://…/geoserver will challenge the principal using basic auth. This is definitively unwanted.

I did some testing and the solution looks simple. It is enough to add the pattern “/” to web filter chain. The web filter would have the following ant patterns.


Unfortunately I fear that this minor modification requires a minor migration in the security data dir and I can fix it on 2.3.x series.

The precondition I have to know about is:

Are there URLs like


If there are such kind of URLs, I fear the solution wont work.

Thanks for your hints

DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH