[Geoserver-devel] GeoServer to Geotools Capabilities Interaction


I know many of you work on Geotools as well as GeoServer, so I thought I might ask what the best route is to report an issue with org.geotoosl.filter.Capabilities.java (10.4, gt-main).

I am building my own datastore to interact with a common data framework within the company. While I was adding support for the Simple_Comparisions from the Capabilities, I was a little surprised when my testing for PropertyLessThanOrEqual didn’t stop at my breakpoint. I went into the Capabilities and noticed this:

public static Capabilities SIMPLE_COMPARISONS;

static {

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS = new Capabilities();

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsEqualTo.class ); //COMPARE_EQUALS|

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThan.class ); // COMPARE_GREATER_THAN

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsLessThan.class ); // COMPARE_LESS_THAN

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsNotEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_NOT_EQUALS;


What is the best way to report this issue?

(for mail clients that don’t support rich text/html body, the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo is listed 2 times in the list with different comments)


Chris Snider

Senior Software Engineer

Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.

Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.png@anonymised.com

GeoTools issue tracker is the first stop - preferable with patch+test

Followed by email discussion on geotools-devel if necessary.




Jody Garnett

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Chris Snider <chris.snider@anonymised.com> wrote:


I know many of you work on Geotools as well as GeoServer, so I thought I might ask what the best route is to report an issue with org.geotoosl.filter.Capabilities.java (10.4, gt-main).

I am building my own datastore to interact with a common data framework within the company. While I was adding support for the Simple_Comparisions from the Capabilities, I was a little surprised when my testing for PropertyLessThanOrEqual didn’t stop at my breakpoint. I went into the Capabilities and noticed this:

public static Capabilities SIMPLE_COMPARISONS;

static {

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS = new Capabilities();

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsEqualTo.class ); //COMPARE_EQUALS|

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThan.class ); // COMPARE_GREATER_THAN

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsLessThan.class ); // COMPARE_LESS_THAN

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL

SIMPLE_COMPARISONS.addType( PropertyIsNotEqualTo.class ); // COMPARE_NOT_EQUALS;


What is the best way to report this issue?

(for mail clients that don’t support rich text/html body, the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo is listed 2 times in the list with different comments)


Chris Snider

Senior Software Engineer

Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.

Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.png@anonymised.com

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