[Geoserver-devel] [Geoserver-users] GeoServer in Brazil

Hi Chris,

Now about the translation of the web administration tool, I have
already passed it to someone here from the laboratory and I believe
it will be sent to you soon.
Later I pass to the Carlos, it to revise.

Fernando Quadro

Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 13:01:17 -0400
From: cholmes@anonymised.com
To: carlosfgo@anonymised.com
CC: fsquadro@anonymised.com; geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] [Geoserver-users] GeoServer in Brazil

That sounds great. I’d be happy for you to start it. Perhaps you could
see if more people are interested and coordinate on the new Portuguese
GeoServer list? To submit the translation add it as a file to:

If you get it in soon we should have it available for the next release.
And we can give you commit rights to keep it up to date, if you’re
willing to continue to maintain it.

best regards,


Carlos Fernando Gonçalves wrote:

Hi Chris and Fenando.
Congratulations for the Fernando for its initiative.

I am offering myself to the translation.
My translation experience comes of the project OpenJUMP
(www.openjump.org/ http://www.openjump.org/) that I helped to conclude
the translation work.
We are carrying through an update of the documentation of the PostGIS in
Portuguese: http://www.webgis.com.br/postgis/

I wait reply.

Best regards.

2007/5/16, Chris Holmes < cholmes@anonymised.com

Awesome! I just added a link to your list from the main list page:

Also, if you want to make a great contribution to GeoServer that will
make GeoServer more accessible to Portuguese users, you can work on a
translation of GeoServer’s web administration tool. See:

It’s not too much work at all for a native speaker, you just have to
make a new file and put the Portuguese equivalents for the labels and
buttons. We’ve already got translations for french, japanese, german,
spanish, and soon chinese.

best regards,


Fernando Quadro wrote:

Good Morning,

I would like to comunicate about the criation of the GeoServer first
list in portuguese. After the III ENUM
event carried through Brasilia, the community created a place to
and to give support about GeoServer in portuguese language.
Then I would like to invite, who’s brazilian, or speak portuguese to
take part also in this list.
The URL is:


Fernando Quadro
Laboratório de Computação Aplicada – G10
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Univali
Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar
Email: _fsq@anonymised.com _ <mailto:fsq@anonymised.com4

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Chris Holmes
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Carlos Fernando Gonçalves

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Chris Holmes
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