[Geoserver-devel] Geoserver WCS


I have changed jobs, and have moved on from working with WFS to WCS! I read in the mailing lists that there was a possibility of there being some WCS code being donated at the end of last month? Is this likely to happen?

I am interested in WCS implementations, I helped with Deegree, and have used MapServer, but would like to use this new implementation if possible because of the reference to netcdf. I don't mind what state the code is in!!


Norman Barker

Sounds like we should get Alessio working on a branch on the geoserver
repository. He is currently doing periodic builds, which he could
probably give you access to (though I just tried and was unsuccessful -
could you send the info to me again, allessio?). But this is also good
motivation to get his work in a more public place - indeed we could maybe
get you working on the branch with him, Norman.

Paul, could you set up a user account on geoserver for Alessio? (or give
me the email of the paul who controls such things now).

We can keep you guys on a branch until after 1.3, and then review the work
and roll it in. I think we are ready to branch, as gabriel reorganized and
Alessio said he got wcs in its own package now. So we should be good to
go. Would be great to have you reviewing and helping Norman, sounds like
you have some great experience.

best regards,


On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, Norman Barker wrote:


I have changed jobs, and have moved on from working with WFS to WCS! I read
in the mailing lists that there was a possibility of there being some WCS
code being donated at the end of last month? Is this likely to happen?

I am interested in WCS implementations, I helped with Deegree, and have used
MapServer, but would like to use this new implementation if possible because
of the reference to netcdf. I don't mind what state the code is in!!


Norman Barker

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