alessio said:
1. Aligned with GeoServer 1.3.0-RC3
2. Based on GeoTools 2.2.x
3. Using epsg-hsql instead of epsg-wkt
4. Removed JAI OS dependancy. The Operations are now registered during
GeoServer Servlet init phase
1. Integration of the new release of GTOPO30 Format by Simone
2. Band select with the new SampleDimension classes by Simone
3. Renderer enhancements
Excellent news! This is exciting.
"2. Based on GeoTools 2.2.x" -- did you see the
<property name="version.geotools" value="2.1.1" />
in build.xml? I want to try to keep geoserver compatible with geotools
trunk and 2.1.x for as long as possible.
"3. Renderer enhancements"
Please keep us informed with what you plan to do -- there's a lot of
people (me, jessie, and james) who are planning on doing things to the
renderer. I want to make sure we're not going to step on each other's
toes. I'm going to assume you're using the StreamingRenderer.
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