I've been talking to several people about the 2.2.x branch and the 2.3
From what I've managed to gather, it appears that most of the big
changes are happening on branches and will be (very soon) merging in
trunk. These merge-ins will be the 2.3 release. Soon after that - I'm
sure - development for 2.4 will start. The consensus seems to be about
"6 months" before you can really "trust" 2.3. I am looking forward to
it coming together and being solid.
The 2.2.x branch was started a little while ago. There wasn't any real
fan-fare to it - the announcement was "I took the liberty of creating
the 2.2.x branch.". I was skeptical about its trustworthiness, but
after putting several people several people under the Bright White
Light, they all said that its "good." I know that myself (and others)
spent a lot of time moving all the 2.1.x fixes forward to trunk so they
would be in this release. Apparently, not much has happened on 2.2.x
(the old trunk) in the last few months except bug fixes. The people
using it seem to all think its good (if anyone disagrees - please speak
I've also seen several people (including myself) concerned about API
shifts and lack of maintenance. So, why don't we setup a new stable
branch? Currently, the stable branch is 2.1.x. I'd like to see a
place where we can continue improvements where we're not getting our
toes stepped on. So, I'm proposing making 2.2.x the 'official' stable
I think this just requires getting an "official consensus", but I think
we just need to define what we mean by the 'official stable branch.'
Here's some ideas:
1. have a big "advertisement" on the geotools front page that announces
2.2.x as the 'official stable branch'
2. encourage (especially new) users to use the official stable branch
3. encourage users to report bugs against this version
4. encourage users to submit patches against this version
5. recommend people who need to make more substantive changes to use the
unstable (2.3) version and warn them of the implications.
This means the 'official stable branch' isn't something we create and
then immediately forget about - its 'supported'.
The most controversial points will be "what changes are allowed to take
place on the stable branch"? Obviously things like changing the
feature model isn't in scope for the stable branch, but I'd still like
to see people able to add/fix things.
The plan would be to keep the 2.2.x branch the "stable" branch until
"2.3" is solid and ready to be the new "stable."
The biggest problem is going to be moving changes on the 2.2.x branch
forward to trunk. This was extremely difficult with 2.1.x, and I'm
betting its going to be quite difficult with 2.2->2.3. But, I think
the 2.3 changes are going to be focused enough that we can really work
on improving a lot of places around the edges. I think we should
really define where the changes are taking place on 2.3 so we don't
step on each other. With a few rules and good communication, I think
we can minimize the pain of moving the changes forward.
What think?
If geotools does make 2.2.x the 'new official stable branch' then I'm
willing to put the time into make a "Geoserver 1.3.0-Experimental"
release for people to test the current geoserver with the new geotools
stable branch. Once we've had a few people give it a good kick and
done some in-depth testing (and they all give two thumbs up), we'll
make that the new Geoserver trunk (then start looking at the geoserver
1.4.x changes).
(This is, assuming (confirmed by a few people), that most of the
2.1.x->2.2.x changes are 'syntactical' as opposed to 'conceptual'.)
I'm quite worried that if geotools doesn't have a supported stable
branch that we're going to get ourselves in trouble. I also think that
having official stability will encourage new users, bug reports, bug
fixes, and documentation. We really need that!
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