[Geoserver-devel] [Geotools-devel] Suggesting some change on epsg extension and fallback mechanism

Martin Desruisseaux ha scritto:

I just noticed the following page:


Since Geoserver 1.5 searchs for "epsg.properties" file into the "$datadir/user_projections" directory, should we define a system property to be used by FactoryUsingWKT in order to search in a particular directory? The "org/geotools/referencing/factory/epsg" directory would be the default if no system property was found. It would avoid the need to create a subclass in Geoserver, and provide a common hook for Geoserver and uDig.

Hum... in Geoserver I really have a fall back property file in the classpath (used when there is none provided by the user, and equal to the one included in epsg-extensions), so lookup is a little more complex. But yeah, in general that seems a good idea.

As a side note, would "$datadir/user_crs" be a better directory name than "$datadir/user_projections"? ProjectedCRS is just a particular kind of CRS, and "projection" has yet an other meaning in ISO 19111.

You're right, user_crs should be a better one. We would have to update
code and docs. Cc'ing geoserver devel to gather more feedback.
