GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2010-10-28
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Justin Deoliveira
- broken metacarta layers
- shapefile-ng breaks tutorials
- meeting day
- random
Broken Metacarta Layers
- Jody reported finding several broken Metacarta layers
- Justin advised reporting via Twitter
Shapefile-NG Breaks Tutorial
General problem is that source schema uses "location" attribute, shapefile ends up with the "the_geom". The two do not end up matching resulting in
Q: can we guess based on attribute order?
A: No - target may change attribute order, example shapefile always does "the_geom" first
Short term
Fix the tutorial some how (ie hard code "the_geom").
Actually hardcode is a good tutorial trick as it shows this kind of issue to user.
Long Term
Option createSchema: createSchema results in the new Schema, with user hints marking the origional attribute names.
Option Feature Collection: Accept a FeatureCollection and let the store do the mapping of schema and data. This is how OGR does it. Has the advantage for data like KML (or bad GML) where you need to do a pass through the data to determine a schema.
Option Transform: Transform Definition, allowing the data to be cleaned as well using expressions (for example shortening strings).
Option Remeber: Have datastore remember the origional schema and create the Transform Definition themselves.
Jody likes FeatureCollection option, it is compatible with Transform option (as transform can be used to clean data and result in a FeatureCollection).
Meeting Time
Justin proposes changing meeting time.
- stat holiday on monday
- do not check calendar on sunday
Justin: recommends Tuesday
Andrea suggests Friday, might help Christian join, but Australians would have it right on Friday night...
Jody motions to change the meeting to Tuesday.
Ben seconds, Jukka thirded
Andrea +1
Justin +1
ACTION: Ben to announce on mailing lists
------ <-- news feed is fixed now thanks Andrea
Q: Some comments on troubles with windows installer?
A: nothing significant, some troubles with Java version
Windows Jenkins:
- now sends email to geotools-devel
- geoserver is not quite there yet
PNG Encoder -> promote to extension?
- got two users, need a third to go for extension
- idea: core for 2.5? would avoid JDK Encoder, and hunting down JAI Encoders
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre